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Linux Foundation
Ranny Haiby Linux Fondation
Zahir Patni Peraton Labs
Lincoln Thurlow University of Southern California/ISI



  • Antitrust
  • Reminder to sign is on this page
  • Welcome 1st Time Attendees
  • Meeting Time
  • Events
  • Whitepaper
  • Project Updates
  • Upcoming Meetings

  • Documentation (reference)
  • Any Other Business


LF Anti-trust

  • We will start by mentioning the project's Antitrust Policy, which you can find linked from the LF and project websites. The policy is important where multiple companies, including potential industry competitors, are participating in meetings. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact your company legal counsel. Members of the LF may contact Andrew Updegrove at the firm Gesmer Updegrove LLP, which provides legal counsel to the LF.

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Welcome 1st Time Attendees

Welcome all. new attendees. If you have any questions about participating in this community, please contact Louis Illuzzi (

5G Super Blueprint Overview and Getting Started


  • Upcoming Events:

5G Super Blueprint Whitepaper is published:

Project Updates:

A meeting took place on 12/12 between China Mobile and Info to discuss common objectives and scope. There is potential for these 2 projects to merge as a single 5G SBP project.

Enhancing Autonomous Network through Generative AI and Intent-Driven Technologies - Keguang He (China Mobile)

    • Autonomous network: A network composed of intelligent and automated infrastructure, operational managementsystems, and business systems. ChinaMobile has set the goal of reaching Level 4 advanced autonomous driving by the year 2025 and has initiated a large-scale, comprehensive autonomous network practice across its entire network.

Intent Driven Orchestration for an Autonomous 5G Network - Praveen Kumar Kalapatapu (Infosys)

    • Overview- Showcase Level 4 Autonomous 5G Network that can be provisioned using Intents and also maintain intents by effectively managing and resolving conflicts without manual interventions. Use case would use TMF 921 standards for the intent management. 
    • Operators are required to maintain highly complex 5G network based on the varied business requirements/intents. 

      Following are the solutions to be addressed in this usecase (Scope)

      1. Automatically manage network availability, scalability and other quality of services as per business requirements/intents with minimal or zero manual interventions.
      2. Standardize the construct used to write Intents and maintain the same.
      3. Scalable to fulfill Edge, Core and RAN Requirements using intents
      4. Provide agility to autonomously resolve conflicts between the intents

Orchestration of OAI Core and Amarisoft gNB with EMCO - Yogen/Vikas (Aarna Networks)

Next Steps:

  • Add to the 5G SBP Library.
    • Whats needed:
      • code- Put it in an Aarna repo
      • Additional documentation pending
  • Marketing:
    • Need ETA from Yogen
    • Align with LFN marketing for blog (LJ)


        • Scope-
          • use ONAP SMO to exercise gNodeB. Showcase RAN connectivity (O1 interface)
          • Showcase orchestration
          • Connect gNodeB
            • Mitigation- UNH can host core but has no resources to implement; Yogen can implement
          • Potential reference point/tie-in with ORAN-SC
        • Requirements/Goals
          • Demonstate connectivity and orchestration
          • exercise Amarisoft gNodeB (UNH)
          • Stretch goal- tie-in with ORAN-SC
          • Stretch goal - Showcase RAN connectivity (O1 interface). OAI not ready with O1 interface
        •  Resources-
          • Aarna Networks
          • UNH - gNodeB. Note; gNodeB is T&M gear and will need to be shared among projects.
        • Next Steps-
          • Bring up OAI core and orchestrator with Amarisoft gNodeB - UNH lab
            • Create Ansible template / tasks that would deal with the gNodeB - Lincoln/Yogen
            • Bring up OAI core at UNH using the orchestrator. No update, been using SD-Core in the meantime
          • LaaS booking, extend the booking to last longer than 21 days - ping Lincoln by email.

Simplified E2E Network Slicing -Yogen (Aarna)


    • Demo ready using environmental sensors was presented on 12/06.
    • Initial PoC:
    • Potential Hex Five sub project - Cesare/Rajesh
      • Investigative meeting took place between Peraton and Hex Five (Cesare).
      • Next Step- Hex Five to potentially come back with a proposal. in progress as of 11/01/23
    • Next Steps:
      • Looking to create an easy to use guidebook (Raj)
        • Related to API work
        • Would have to go through DARPA Public Release process
        • Aarno Labs- an MIT spin-off. Provides security for (currently) Java script. Whereas KubeArmor protects at the container level, Aarno protects at the Java script program level. SEDIMENT offers them an alternative where they may not be deploying on SGX (Software Guard Extensions). Contact Eric and Jeff Perkins also on SEDIMENT project. Raj to make introduction. Presented on Sept PI meeting.
      • Identify and develop a security Use Case

SABRES: Slice Selection, Path Validation, Multiparty Management - Lincoln Thurlow. (USC/ICI)

    • Lincoln OOO until January.
    • Three use cases will have separate services associated
    • What orchestrator will/can be used?
      • potential to duplicate Simplified E2E Network Slicing (Aarna) using EMCO
        • Aarna confirms all Simplified network slicing solution will be open source and NDA will not be required.
        • License - Apache 2
      • potential to leverage Wavelabs slicing using EMCO
    • ICCCN paper: ICCCN_2023_paper_187.pdf
    • Code repository ( that was used during the last government demonstration.  This is the initial code base (src directory), which will not be the final product (as this version only works on 2-3 variables, rather than arbitrary).  This code was used to replace ETSI's OSM's PLA module (using minizinc constraint solver) with CBS [].
    • Lincoln tried setting up EMCO using documentation and it failed to come up.
    • SD-Core setup at ICI
    • Next Steps:
      • Now that USC has cleared the project for open source next step is to agree on a license
      • Risk: need to clear university policy to open source. Risk mitigated - USC cleared the project. Next step agree on a license.
      • Replicate Simplified Slicing demo locally in ISI lab (Lincoln)
      • Debug the environment (Lincoln)
      • Setup SD-Core at ICI (demonstrate slicing using SD-Core)
        • rewriting parts of the UPF to integrate SABREs code
      • Set up a drop-in replacement for the current slicing algorithm with CBS algorithm (Lincoln)
      • Leverage UNH and Kaloom. Ganesh and Lincoln?

5G Super Blueprint Library -

  • Page opened for viewing- send comments to
  • Proposal to add a column for higher level network function associated with each entry, example; slicing, security, UPF integration, IoT (visual inspection), etc.
  • Marketing Plan
      • The goal is that each completed project get the same marketing treatment (i.e. Marketing Plan execution) where the technology is highligthed and the participants and contributing companies are recognized.

Upcoming Meetings

  • Off-week working group meeting. There is an LFN Board meeting on this day and time. Volunteers to host? Or cancel
    • Topic: ?
  • Bi-weekly Status Meeting. All-hands on-site LFN stall meeting that week. Volunteers to host? Or cancel 
  • Off-week working group meeting
    • Topic?

Any Other Business

Documentation - Deliverables to the 5G SBP

From Use Case Template:

Blueprint Outputs 


check all that apply:

  • Code repository
  • Configuration files (e.g. Helm charts, etc.)
  • Upstreaming to relevant projects 
  • Continuous Integration
  • Test requirements and test results (if applicable)
  • Documentation:
    • Overview and Theory of Operation (i.e., what does it do?)
    • Deployment and setup
  • Videos
    • demo
    • lab setup/behind the scenes
    • other
    • YouTube
  • Create a template for documentation collateral
  • Playbook-like theme
  • YouTube - independent of any D&TF YouTube postings, but cross-linked

  • No labels