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Recording & Transcript


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Linux Foundation
Muddasar Ahmed MITRE
Vijayakumar R Tawker Veltris
Zahir Patni Peraton Labs
@Ron VictorAccuknox




SEDIMENT- Environmental Sensor Use Case


  • New Use Case/Collaboration Proposals:
    • Project L3AF uses eBPF for LSM (Linux Security Linux Security Modules). There may be a potential for alignment around security; zero-trust capabilities-.
    • Are there Industry vertical support templates for KubeArmor? @ron victor to followup 
        • Next Steps:
          •  Ron to take it up with KubeArmor technical team. LJ Illuzzi send L3AF info to Ron.
          •  Ron to follow up on Industry vertical support templates
    • Can SEDIMENT be ported to Linux to expand it capabilities to say, self-attestation.
      • Zahir shared that SEDIMENT can be used on Linux and uses the notion of user-defined functions so that for Linux devices, with much larger storage spaces then IoT devices, specific files can be specified to be attested to insure they have not been tampered with.
      • Drilling deeper it is proposed that SEDIMENT might be used to attest a Linux host before deployment. For example, when a CSP deploys Kubernetes infrastructure on Linux based platforms there is a capability where SEDIMENT can attest the host before deployment. A base-level Use Case can show the concept of using Linux to deploy different security-level SLAs
      • Expand to confidencial computing?
        • Next Steps:
          • Zahir flushing out the idea internally at Peraton Labs

Intent Driven Orchestration for an Autonomous 5G Network - Keguang He (China Mobile)/Praveen Kumar Kalapatapu (Infosys)


  • A ONE Summit session has been approved:
  • There is a need to set up a recurring call on India/China friendly time to keep this moving forward. This may occur through the AI Task Force where an APAC-friendly time is being established
  • The AI Taskforce will serve as another platform to move this initiative forward
  • Current Work-in Progress:
    • Add Large Model Interactive Interface
    • Create the llm-adaptation service
    • Integrate llm-adaptation with OpenAI.
    • Integrate llm-adaptation with intent-analysis.
    • Fine tune China Mobile's Jiutian large model to obtain a large model suitable for ONAP knowledge question answering and ONAP intent processing
  • Next Steps/Goals:
    • Present relevant large model demo at ONE Summit in April
    • Potential add Nephio integration
  • A bi-weekly call on Mondays has been established at an APAC friendly time for this project.

----- Back Burner ---------


  • Off-week Working Group and Deep Dive Meeting
    • Topic- AccuknoxKubeArmor/L3AF collaboration - Tentative
