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Linux Foundation
Rahul Jadhav AccuKnox
Lincoln Thurlow University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute
Yogendra Pal Aarna Networks
Parthiban Nalliamudali Wavelabs Technologies 
David McBride Linux Foundation
Kenny Paul LFN



  • Antitrust
  • Start Recording- helps facilitate minutes and Action Items
  • Welcome 1st Time Attendees
  • SABRES: Slice Selection, Path Validation, Multiparty Management - deep dive continued
  • Update on SEDIMENT + KubeArmor
  • Upcoming Meetings - August PTO (volunteers to facilitate?)

  • Any Other Business


  • SABRES +  Simplified E2E Network Slicing. Need to understand scope of Slice selection, Path validation and Multiparty management.

    Deep dive on each of the items below so that we can establish the baseline of how Aarna can help and how the community can benefit and many more. 

    1. Slice selection- paper to be published next week, including AI technics. Label slices with attributes (jitter, bandwidth, etc.) Match with needed customer constraints using the slice labels. Migrated slices. SABREs algoritum uses set of graphs and is agnostics to individual orchestraters, SABREs algoritum and orchestrater interact through a set of graphs.
    2. Path Validation
    3. Multiparty management

    • Roadmap and set of priority for 5G SBP work items

Next Steps:

  • Breakdown input/output parameters between orchestrator and algorithum.
  • Licensing; ICI has its own license. Lincoln will try to get out of it.
  • 1st integration step-
    • test environment; UNH is best option

  • Notes from 06/14 (reference): 
      • Three use cases; each will have separate services
      • What orchestrator will/can be used? OSM currently being used. Currently not 3GPP compliant.
      • Next Steps:
        • Setup test bed (Lincoln)- HW available
        • Potential to leverage UNH and Kaloom

Update on SEDIMENT + KubeArmor

Upcoming Meetings

  • Bi-Weekly  Status Meeting
  • Off-Week Working Group Meeting
    • Topic- 
  • PTO August 7 through  18. and meetings to be canceled or volunteers to facilitate?
