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Topic: Meld Taskforce Teams Kick off
Date: Sep 18, 2020 05:56 Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Meeting Recording:


LFN Trust-Team building Self Study.pptx

Marketing TF Homepage






  • Review/Discuss the Goals of the Meld Project
  • Review Oversight Committee Purpose/Scope and , Task Force Assignments, and Schedule
  • Review Task forces scope statements
  • Review tools options
  • Review Trust and Team building exercise
  • Discuss path forward

Discussion items

5 MinMeld Project Goals and Objectives
  • A Merger/Re-imagining of equal partners to create a combined organization that:
    • Enables Operators and Suppliers have a voice in the common Cloud platform design
    • Ensures alignment between Architecture/requirements work and Engineering work
    • Creates a sustainable resource model for organization's work
    • Facilitates Broad influence with other industry groups
    • Enables broad adoption and deployment

(Taken from the FMO Decision Principles presented to the GB)

10 MinOversight Committee Introduction, Purpose and Scope 

10 MinTask Force Scope Statements

The Marketing Task Force

Scope: Branding, Communications, and website development. Includes Mission Statement, value proposition, and pitch decks.

Organization and Governance Task Force

Scope: Organizational and TSC structure, technical charter, legal team engagement, and operating procedures

Technical Debt and TSC Task Force

Scope: Converged Operational requirements for the merger including converged workspace, release processes, OVP engagement plan, 2021 planning

 5 Min
  • Wiki Overview
  • Git Hub repository for collaboration

  • Jim/Scot to do short overview on the tools available for collaboration
  • Task Forces are enabled to use which tool they prefer
10 MinTask List Action items for this week
  • Define task force leaders
  • Task Force Mentors to facilitate task force start up Week of
  • Call for organizational Structure proposals
10 MinTrust & Team building ExerciseScot Steele
  • Why we are doing this?
  • Home work review
  • Forum Session  Time to be determined
5 MinQuestionsAll


Goals and Objectives Review by Heather Kirksey.  See the bullets in the Agenda

OC discussion:

  • OC is a resource to the Task forces, provide support, mentoring of Task Forces, not to make the decisions. OC members of a task-force should be agnostic.
  • It is important to understand that all opinions matter, and while they may not be adopted, they will be considered.
  • OC mentors are assigned to specific task-forces, see agenda for assignments.

Task Forces Discussion:

  • Review of the task force Scope
  • Sign up on the Task force Home Pages
  • Will operate independently, expect they will inter-communicate with each other
  • No constraints on meetings and collaboration methods
  • Goals and Time lines will be provided and task-forces are asked to meet those.
  • Need POC and Lead from each Taskforce - The lead/POC should not be the OC member, Marketing is an exception.


  • Review of Wiki:
    • Temporary space, not a permanent repository
    • Dashboard for Single pane of glass - tasks form each Task force
    • Home Pages for Task-forces
      • Sign up there to work on a task force
      • Place to keep your Task-force action items and other collaborative notes.
    • GitHub Chapter 6 in CNTT Gov not currently in use - Re-purposing for Meld
      • Please send recommendations to Scot for structure

Action Items:

  • Task force POC/Lead - please volunteer
  • First Meeting of task forces week of 21 Sept - OC mentors please get those meetings started.
  • Call for Org Structure - please comment on or upload to the Organization/Gov Home Page

T&T building

  • Task force members will be asked to participate
  • Home Work Review
  • Forum style Discussion
  • Participation is strongly encouraged
  • Please complete the home work and bring it to the forum
    • Forum to occur 25 Sept (time to be determined)
  • Please Let Heather, Jim, Scot know if you want to be a POC/Lead for the Task forces
  • Scot Steele will send mail to CNTT governance and ONPFV tech lists asking for people to join the Gov/Org Task-force

Walter Kozlowski Expressed concern about the balance between CNTT and OPFNV participants

Action items

  •  Meeting Minutes for today Scot Steele
  •  Solicit Members for Gov.Org TF Scot Steele  
  •  Task Force Meetings Kick off  
  •  Review Balance of CNTT to OPNFV in task forces - OC  
  •  Start Homework for T&T Building  
  •  Collect and consolidate the Documents in common location, and setup collaboration zones, is the CNTT Gov Chpt 6 (which is not used right now) - Scot Steele  
  •  Org Structure Straw man proposals ( )
  •  OPNFV & CNTT Charter reviews - Need to get org and tech groups to use their language to define the charter, so Legal can do redline - NEED TO BE COMPLETED MID OCT
