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Recording & Transcript

Meeting Zoom Link:


Linux Foundation
Zahir Patni Peraton Labs
Lincoln Lavoie UNH-IOL




    • Convert Bi-weekly Advisory and Use Case meeting into bi-weekly TSC meeting. Change the alternating week to avoid conflict with LFN SPC meetingComplete
    • Final the Technical Charter
    • Prepare LFN induction material. What level? Sandbox, Incubation, Graduated? Reference: LFN Lifecycle States & Guidelines

TSC Meeting , 7am PT/11am ET,

Meeting is open to all.

Agenda Items:

  • Governance - Technical Charter
  • LFN Induction Prep - September
  • Outreach Strategy
  • UNH project
  • Meeting Cadence


Muddasar suggestioned an outreach strategy. How do we reach out to, for example DT to solve a problem using open source components?


Joint LFN/LF Edge Use Case- Application Centric Connectivity

  • Next meeting

Nephio + 5GSBP

Intent Driven Orchestration for an Autonomous 5G Network - Leads- Keguang He (China Mobile)/Praveen Kumar Kalapatapu (Infosys)


  • GSMA device security group. Suggestion to introduce this use case to that group. Muddasar Ahmedto send an email to David Maxwell - fraud and security group lead.
    • Next Step- GSMA device security group will schedule Zahir presentation to the GSMA group.
      • Update SEDIMENT presentation to align with the GSMA device security group; develop Use Cases aligned with the GSMA device security group. Will need DARPA public release approval process.
  • New 5G SBP Library entry



    • Can SEDIMENT be ported to Linux to expand it capabilities to say, self-attestation.
      • Zahir shared that SEDIMENT can be used on Linux and uses the notion of user-defined functions so that for Linux devices, with much larger storage spaces then IoT devices, specific files can be specified to be attested to insure they have not been tampered with.
      • Drilling deeper it is proposed that SEDIMENT might be used to attest a Linux host before deployment. For example, when a CSP deploys Kubernetes infrastructure on Linux based platforms there is a capability where SEDIMENT can attest the host before deployment. A base-level Use Case can show the concept of using Linux to deploy different security-level SLAs
      • Expand to confidencial computing?
        • Next Steps:
          • Zahir flushing out the idea internally at Peraton Labs

Orchestration of OAI Core and Amarisoft gNB with EMCO - Yogen/Vikas (Aarna Networks)

Next Steps:

  • Evolve to Nephio
  • Nephio using Free5GC core and working on OAI. ONE Summit demo shows Open5GS (Lincoln)
  • Is there collaboration opportunity with new UNH project?
  • LJ Illuzzi Add new project requirements/gaps to Use Case page (ref 06/25 meeting).

Upcoming Meetings

Any Other Business

----- Back Burner Projects ---------

Orchestration of OAI Core and Amarisoft gNB with EMCO - Yogen/Vikas (Aarna Networks)

Next Steps:

  • Add to the 5G SBP Library.
    • Whats needed:
      • code- Put it in an Aarna repo
      • Additional documentation pending
  • Marketing:
    • Need ETA from Yogen
    • Align with LFN marketing for blog (LJ)



  • use ONAP SMO to exercise gNodeB. Showcase RAN connectivity (O1 interface)
  • Showcase orchestration
  • Connect gNodeB
    • Mitigation- UNH can host core but has no resources to implement; Yogen can implement
  • Potential reference point/tie-in with ORAN-SC


  • Demonstate connectivity and orchestration
  • exercise Amarisoft gNodeB (UNH)
  • Stretch goal- tie-in with ORAN-SC
  • Stretch goal - Showcase RAN connectivity (O1 interface). OAI not ready with O1 interface


  • Aarna Networks
  • UNH - gNodeB. Note; gNodeB is T&M gear and will need to be shared among projects.
  • Nehio integration (Yogen) - Nephio working with ORAN SMO

----- Back Burner Projects ---------


  • Create Ansible template / tasks that would deal with the gNodeB - Lincoln/Yogen
  • Bring up OAI core at UNH using the orchestrator. No update, been using SD-Core in the meantime


Simplified E2E Network Slicing -Yogen (Aarna)
