EMCO LFN Induction Proposal v1

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    1. TSC Chair duration was defined as until resignation or removal. Do you want to add a yearly or some interval for re-election ?
    2. PTL role wasn't defined. Is there designated final decision maker for the committers ?
    3. If there is intended to be a PTL role, election and renewal process would need to be defined
  1. Brian Freemanwrt #1, that absolutely makes sense and something we should discuss and vote on in the first year of the project. 

    wrt #2, we talked about PTL , but we feel like this would apply to separate project areas (sub-projects) and the scope of EMCO is currently rather narrow. So we deferred until such time that it appears that we need to sub divide into multiple sub-projects. But this may be orthogonal to your question about "final decision maker for the committers". Can you please elaborate on what decision(s) you are referring to. As of now, any decisions we will make/vote on shall be by the TSC. 

    1. #1 - OK - its your TSC's call but probably something you want to fix quickly

      #2 - There are 15 docker containers under build for Base so I was thinking you would break up the development and need to have the decision maker within a component wihtout having to go to the TSC for a decision. ECMO is a smaller project so perhaps you dont want the overhead of using the PTL role to avoid everything becoming a TSC decision.

  2. Building on Brian's comments:

    • The charter language is confusing as to TSC membership.  It says members come from the project's committers, but today there are only committers from 2 companies.  Yet the TSC has 11 members.  How are you defining "participating companies"?  And if a new company participates, do they get a TSC seat?  If so, when?
    1. Yes, I can see where this would be confusing. We need to edit that as clearly this is aspirational and after stating it will be made of Committers, we stated that initially  we would invite participating companies to appoint a TSC representation. Participating in this sense, from a practical standpoint, includes the broad category of Contributors as well- which is precisely how we preferred to start. Especially since the code was in a non-public repo until today and other Participants could not contribute code until today. We encourage participants now to step up and contribute code moving forward and so we have some work to do to clarify the make up of the TSC today. 

    1. Pardon the outdated link. There are two public repos as of yesterday, one for the main code base, and one for the optional GUI layer. The deck is updated. 


  3. FOSS scan has been requested and is underway