In Attendance

Daniel HaveyMicrosoft (L3AF rep)
Sandeep PanesarWaveLabs / MAC Chair
Ranny HaibyLF (ONAP rep)
Brandon WickAarna Networks
Neal Hartsell--
Jill LovatoLF
Heather KirkseyLF
Pano XinosLF
Kenny PaulLF


Meeting recording:

Agenda & Action Items

 Statement from the MAC Chair

  • Need to reinvigorate the community and make LFN relevant/appealing again. Looking to conduct a market audit and put into place some strategies to try to regain interest.
  • Anyone interested in joining this subcommittee should contact 

2023 Event Strategy (work in progress) 

Learnings from ONE Summit 2022 ~ we are not back to pre-COVID conditions for events - lots of budget and travel restrictions and waning interest in LFN are negatively impacting our event sponsorship and attendance. Need to scale back for 2023. 

Current proposals under discussion with the Board:

    • Developer & Testing Forum
      • All virtual vs. mainly virtual + 1 in person
      • Depends on travel restrictions at member companies
    • Executive Focus
      • ONE Summit Executive Edition (virtual) as in past years
  • Partner with TelecomTV DSP Leaders Forum
    • Membership and Ecosystem
  • Regional ONE Summit Days
    • Stripped down ONE Summit experience in fall in Europe
  • 2024: ONE Summit early spring in Silicon Valley
  • Final Decisions at March GB Meeting

*** Request more community participation in third=-party events/speaking opps - e.g., more formal process for sharing relevant CFP dates or Speakers' Burearu

Recent/Upcoming Content & Activity

CTA: Help promote upcoming Annual Report + ONE Summit content

2023 KPIs

Link to 2022 KPIs/stats:

  • Suggested 2023 KPIs included in slides; overall, looking to do more with less. E.g., committing to fewer user stories with higher relevance and comprehensive, integrated campaigns around each. 
  • Measuring "success" is still difficult, but we can look at:
    • pageviews
    • Downloads
    • Social stats 
    • number of leads generated
      • number of leads turned to members

2023 KPIs will be tracked here: 

  • No labels