Topic Leader(s)

Topic Overview

There will be 3 topics under this session:

1. <Guilin recap and Honolulu plans> contents will concentrate on what we have done in Guilin release and what aspects we are going to enhance in Honolulu and future releases;

2. <Modeling> Overview of modeling work in Guilin and Honolulu releases.

3. <E2E Slicing demo show based on Guilin deliverables> This part will show the integration test result of Option 2 which is CSMF+NSMF+External RAN NSSMF +Internal TN NSSMF +External Core NSSMF.

Slides & Recording


  1. E2E Network Slicing-Guilin Recap and Honolulu Plans_v1.0.pptx
  2. Overall E2E Network Slicing Modeling Design for G&H - v 2.0 - 0202.pdf
  3. E2E Network Slicing Demoshow based on Guilin Deliverables.pdf(The video can be found on the operation guide wiki page.)




Action Items



  1. Hi

    This was great session to join and listen. I would like to re-listen it. Swaminathan Seetharaman , LIN MENG  - when could we expect recording from this session?

    1. Hi Marcin,

      Recording is now uploaded :-) - Swami.