5G Super Blueprint Library: https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/x/KoEKBg . Information and collateral on completed 5G SBP integration projects 

Mailing Listhttps://lists.lfnetworking.org/g/LFN-5G-Super-Blueprint. Please subscribe to remain up to date on demo evolution and planning.

Meeting Calendarhttps://lists.lfnetworking.org/g/LFN-5G-Super-Blueprint/calendar. Get the meeting information here. 

Slack Channel: https://join.slack.com/t/lfn-demo/shared_invite/zt-pcf5086a-l0i926BOhc9pzf5_mVDhtA. See and contribute to the latest technical conversations here.

Meeting Agenda/Minutes: https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/x/GgADAw. Catch up on the latest and see what's coming up.

Repository: https://github.com/5G-Super-Blue-Print

Jira: https://jira.lfnetworking.org/projects/BLUEPRINT/summary. Bug & issue tracking. You'll need to login with your LF ID.

Questions: Email: superblueprint@lfnetworking.org

Want to submit a Use Case to the 5G Super Blueprint? click here:  How to Submit a Blueprint Proposal

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