Meeting Recording

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Welcome 1st Time Attendees

Welcome all. new attendees. If you have any questions about participating in this community, please contact Louis Illuzzi (

5G Super Blueprint Overview and Getting Started

Sprint Planning- proposal to sort Use Case concepts into 3month, 6 month, 9 month Sprint Backlogs

3 Month Sprint Backlog

6 Month Sprint Backlog

9 Month Sprint Backlog

Upcoming Meetings:

Any Other Business

--------- Notes from 03/21 Bi-Weekly Status Meeting for Reference ---------------

Accuknox Introduction

Equinix - Free5GC deployment on Network Edge


Work Activities Overview

  1. Establish/Re-establish permanet 5G Network capability in the labs
  2. NaaS
  3. Enterprise Use Case

Lab Updates

Upcoming Meetings

Any Other Business

---------- Below is Reference and Parking Lot ---------------

5G Network-as-a-Service (NaaS)


IBM Use Cases (in the hopper)

Lab Updates

5G Super Blueprint Workgroups & How to Submit a Blueprint Proposal