Zoom Meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/852737713?pwd=cFMxbTFpU1ZVdXI5QXZjT0I0OUhJdz09


As a courtesy to your colleagues please mute yourself when in listen mode. Thanks

Elbrus Release

Meeting Recording: none

Agenda and Minutes

  1. Agenda Bashing
  2. Antitrust Policy: https://r.lfnetworking.org/Antitrust%20Slide.pdf
  3. Review Open Issues and PRs
    1. Please watch Project dashboard for new items to review and approve.
  4. AOB
    1. Everyone to formulate scope of work for next release and create Issues.
    2. Governance Topic: GSMA interest in CNTT Mandatory Test Cases (RA-1 and RC-1) Cedric

PR #Summary of whatContent LinkAssignee(s)Review ReadyNotes/Status

Issues with no PRs -see RA1 Project Board:

Action Items (other than PRs and Issues)

DescriptionDue DateAssigneeStatusTask In