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  • Service Orchestration and Implementation Plans Survey - Phil Robb
  • OVP progam overview - Heather Kirksey
  • Open Networking Summit 
    • North America - San Jose April 3-5
    • EU - Antwerp September 23-25 
      • Planning on face to face EUAG meeting at this ONS (9/24) - details TBD

EUAG Meeting recordings


LFN - Jim Baker Kenny Pauluser-20f1f Heather Kirksey

Members - Margaret Chiosi Olivier Augizeau Ryan Hallahan Vincent Colas Beth Cohen Cecilia Corbi Chuyi Guo @Dan Scrimpsher David Perez Caparros Herbert Damker @Javier Ger Lingli Deng Rabi Abdel @zhangruirui Randy Levensalor Brian Freeman

Meeting minutes


Survey out from surveymokey - focus on understanding where operators are in complying with ETSI in service orchestration standards. Please respond to the survey it you've not responded already. Reminder will be sent today (2/12)

OVP program - Heather Kirksey

Initial focus on VNF program - providing index of VNFs from OPNFV 

Now shifting focus - NFVI/VIM and VNF and includes commercial MANO

Testing - compliance testing for VNFs and NFVI based on standards.

Running instances of NFVI and MANO - VNFs can be trialed 

Compliance testing - VNFSDK - focus on TOSCA, VVP - focused on Heat

Validation - OPNFV Dovetail provides the testing framework

Functional testing is the focus on NFVI, compliance testing for the VNF

Yardstick provides the performance benchmarking framework and HA testing

A OVP portal is home for results - created by the Dovetail team

Vision: Build out the portal and populate with NFVI/VIMs

Margret - ask about the value of each of the testing tools


  • NFVI has many flavors - many components that can be used to build out the NFVI
  • Perhaps the EUAG can steer us toward a more constrained NFVI - driven off profiles
  • Validating 3GPP is aspirational, right now the focus is on a minimum of tests
  • Want folks to interact with the program and steer it towards highest value


  1. VNF Compliance
  2. NFVI alignment (align with industry preferences)
  3. VNF validation
  4. NFVI validation
  5. MANO implementation as SUT

What are the mid-term priorities from EUAG?

  • perhaps a poll would be a good way to collect this information
  • do you agree with the long-term goal?
    • VNF validation is the long term goal
      • Compliance is the immediate term
  • Heather to send out survey on prioritization
  • Beth - have to start with compliance, then validation
  • Margret - Use the table in the poll as a ranked ordering (maybe top 3)
  • Lingli - What does alignment mean?
    • Operator agreement to constrain number of choices to make the test space manageable
  • Ryan - can we get a crisp definition of all the terms written down as a part of the deck
    • Alignment is not a perfect word - perhaps profiling is a better term
    • Heather to produce a written glossary of terms (validation/compliance/alignment)
  • Lingli - How do we mix open source and commercial?
  • Randy - Lead with open source and make infrastructure available for commercial applications

ONS feedback

  • ONS NA - assume many will attend - perhaps both working and social session

Q and A

GSMA profile A and B? Rabi - these are defined in the profile
What is the difference between compliance and validation testing?

  • Compliance = assures the SUT complies with a specification or standard (VNF metadata complies with TOSCA requirements)
  • Validation = functional testing (does VNF deploy into a environment, does NFVI fail-over and LCM)

Is VNF LCM testing part of validation OR compliance?

  • LCM interfaces are insured to be present via compliance
  • LCM behaviors are insured by validation

If VFN validation includes LCM, shouldn't ONAP also be included?

  • Yes, we want to on-board VNF on live ONAP instances
  • Could do the same with OPNFV
  • LCM with the orchestration platform - it makes more sense to test the VNF within the context of the orchestration manager

What are the open source projects that are a part of this initiative?

  • Docs will be added soon - Dovetail and VNFSDK are currently leading

  • No labels