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HRK: I'm showing my thought process work here. It's anything resembling a schedule by any stretch of the imagination, and the deep dives into issues and specific questions reflect only my own curiosity and what troubles me. This is merely a starting point, and I hope that the Programming Committee does what it will. We also need to build in time to get to some planning and outcomes.....

CNF Topics 

  • Taking Anuket RA and RC activities into workloads
    • Is it sufficient to come up with a basic framework to demonstrate functionality on an example RI?
      • Necessary – is it sufficient?!
      • Tortured metaphor: we've got a good foundation, but need to address plumbing, HVAC, walls, and flooring
    • Where does performance come in?
    • How do we get into more challenging interop?
      • CNI
      • Other networking frameworks (eg., Istio, Envoy)?
      • Networking abstraction – how do we push this past the goal line, publish, and test?
      • Data Plane
        • If performance tuning is a source of interop issues, how do we address these?
        • Are data plane issues as opaque to workloads as claimed (should we do a survey, or testing experiment to have non-anecdotal data)?
      • If this is too much work, what is the highest priority activity that will reduce the cost due to re-work for end users, platform vendors, workload (CNF) vendors?
      • How do we avoid the mistakes of the past? Let's at least avoid those and create new ones.
  • Given the previous topic, what is the highest priority testing a badging program and enforce and provide?
  • CNF vendor input summit
    • How do we ask better questions to the CNF vendor community? 
    • Bring as many CNF providers as possible (perhaps with a bit of pre-prepared questions)
      • Vendors who have deployed within the 5GSPB context
      • Magma
      • O-RAN SC implementations and vendors
      • OAI
      • Workload BUs rather than platform BUs in our NEP members
      • Active CNF vendors (e.g. Matrixx, Affirmed, Metaswitch)
      • LF Edge application requirements
    • What guidelines, testing, information would be helpful for them such that they don't have to re-do for each platform/end user
    • Are we talking how to give guidelines and test for them against the platform requirements, or are there specific testing regimes for applications?
    • Assumption: CNF to specific platform 1:1 as a deployment requirement does not and cannot scale.

Architecture Topics

  • On-boarding: Alignment across ONAP and EMCO, taking into account the role played by k8s.
    • Assumption for ingress: Helm v3 
    • To the extent it needs to be extended/constrained, both groups should define together, and we can determine if and where it belongs upstream.
    • How does this discussion feed into Anuket and Anuket Assured program? Infrastructure→Applications>Onboarding>MANO>Infrastructure (end-to-end)
  • Post-onboarding – Day N – where and how are ongoing metrics collected and how to they feed into relevant parts of the stack....
    • What is considered in or out of the stack in various architectures....
  • Conceptual flow diagrams
    • Where do the focus areas of both EMCO and ONAP land? What is shared? What is not? What is gray? Beyond marketing......
    • Before we go into powerpoint comparison, I would suggest choosing a discrete set of  applications (including at least RAN and a webapp....mostly b/c those could overlap in a hybrid environment, and then also each group chooses one application that is specifically optimized for them – e.g., Core, and perhaps something that gets close to IOT). Map out for each application how the flow works in ONAP only, EMCO only, and a choice or two in hybrid scenarios. From there we can start to look at how we want to talk to the market, figure out what technical works needs to be done, and how. 

Community Topics

  • Follow-up on Documentation Workshop from Jan DTF
  • Tooling

Proposed Schedule

Day 1 –  CNF Vendor Input Summit – I think that this is a full day (4 hour) topic

  • 10 minute Intro and Logistics review
  • Part 1: As a follow up to the January Workshop, several consecutive focused sessions with CNF vendors to gain an understanding of what requirements they need from LFN projects and community to support their workloads and applications. Need to look at the expectations from the onboarding/orchestration, on-going supportability and infra platform perspectives
    • What are the vendors' priorities, objectives and expected outcomes? Improved time to market?  Ability to use a reference architecture to cut development time? Something else?
    • What architectures, requirements, guidelines, and test frameworks or information are needed to achieve these objectives? Are we talking how to give guidelines and test for them against the platform requirements, or are there specific testing regimes for applications?
    • Projects of most interest to the CNF/Operator communities? 
      • Magma
      • O-RAN SC implementations and vendors
      • OAI
      • Workload BUs rather than platform BUs in our NEP members
      • Active CNF vendors (e.g. Matrixx, Affirmed, Metaswitch)
      • LF Edge application requirements
  • Part 2: Once the objectives have been identified, develop guidance from CNF vendors on program framework, targeted projects and next steps
    • Map out an Infra Platform and Compliance Framework
    • Orchestration requirements and framework
    • How to map Anuket RA and RC activities to support CNF workloads
      • Is it sufficient to come up with a basic framework to demonstrate functionality on an example RI?
      • Do a discrete set the CNF compliance/platform interop requirements need to be fed directly into Anuket project workstreams

Day 2 First half 

  • EMCO/ONAP Architecture alignment Deep Dive – 3 hours
    • Part 1: On-boarding: Alignment across ONAP and EMCO, taking into account the role played by k8s.
      • Assumption for ingress: Helm v3 
      • Needs to be jointly defined first, then determine if and where it belongs upstream.
      • Is there a connection to Anuket and Anuket Assured program? Infrastructure→Applications>Onboarding>MANO>Infrastructure (end-to-end)
    • Part 2: Appropriate use cases for EMCO and ONAP, when to use them separately and or together
    • Part 3: Post-onboarding activities and requirements as products move into production – Day 2 – where and how are ongoing metrics collected and how to they feed into relevant parts of the stack....
      • What is considered in or out of the stack in various architectures....
    • Part 4: CNF Interoperability Challenges  between workload/platform and orchestrator/workload
      • CNI – is this the only answer?
      • Other networking frameworks (eg., Istio, Envoy)?
      • Networking abstraction – how do we push this past the goal line, publish, and test?
      • Data Plane
        • If performance tuning is a source of interop issues, how do we address these?
        • Are data plane issues as opaque to workloads as claimed (should we do a survey, or testing experiment to have non-anecdotal data)?

Day 2 – Second Half

  •  Topics of interest to the general community – 1 hour
    • Common documentation standardized guidelines – Minimum requirements and expectations, tools, types of documentation required for different types of projects.
    • Common tooling – What is the current set of tools?  Is there a possibility for consolidation?  Is it needed?  Is this even possible?


  • 2 15 minute breaks (instead of 1 30 minute one.
  • No summary needed
  • Very short intro at the beginning of each day (10 minutes by Heather or someone who is more awake)
Day 1TimeTopicFacilitatorComments

05:00-5:15 AM PSTWelcome & Logistics 

Day 1 Top Level: 

  • CNF to specific platform 1:1 as a deployment requirement does not and cannot scale.
  • What is the highest priority activity that will reduce the cost due to re-work for end users, platform vendors, workload (CNF) vendors?

5:15-6:30 AM PSTCNF Vendor Input Focus: 
  • As a follow up to the January Workshop, several consecutive focused sessions with CNF vendors to gain an understanding of what requirements they need from LFN projects and community to support their workloads and applications. Need to look at the expectations from the onboarding/orchestration, on-going supportability and infra platform perspectives
    • What are the vendors' priorities, objectives and expected outcomes? Improved time to market?  Ability to use a reference architecture to cut development time? Something else?
    • What architectures, requirements, guidelines, and test frameworks or information are needed to achieve these objectives? Are we talking how to give guidelines and test for them against the platform requirements, or are there specific testing regimes for applications?

6:30-6:45 AM PSTBreak 1

6:45-8:00 AM PSTMoving Forward: Program framework, targeted projects and next step
  • Map out an Infra Platform and Compliance Framework
  • Orchestration requirements and framework
  • How to map Anuket RA and RC activities to support CNF workloads
    • Is it sufficient to come up with a basic framework to demonstrate functionality on an example RI?
    • Do a discrete set the CNF compliance/platform interop requirements need to be fed directly into Anuket project workstreams?

8:00-8:15 AM PSTBreak 2

8:15-9:30 AM PSTMoving Forward: Deep Dive on Interop Challenges

Deep Dive: Interoperability Challenges

  • Part 4: CNF Interoperability Challenges  between workload/platform and orchestrator/workload
    • CNI – is this the only answer?
    • Other networking frameworks (eg., Istio, Envoy)?
    • Networking abstraction – how do we push this past the goal line, publish, and test?
    • Data Plane
      • If performance tuning is a source of interop issues, how do we address these?
      • Are data plane issues as opaque to workloads as claimed (should we do a survey, or testing experiment to have non-anecdotal data)?

9:30 AM PSTDay 1 Ends

Day 2TimeTopicFacilitatorComments

05:00-5:15 AM PSTWelcome &  Logistics

5:15-6:30 AM PSTOrchestration: EMCO and ONAP On-boarding and use case alignment
  • EMCO/ONAP Architecture alignment Deep Dive
    • Part 1: On-boarding: Alignment across ONAP and EMCO, taking into account the role played by k8s.
      • Assumption for ingress: Helm v3 
      • Needs to be jointly defined first, then determine if and where it belongs upstream.
      • Is there a connection to Anuket and Anuket Assured program? Infrastructure→Applications>Onboarding>MANO>Infrastructure (end-to-end)
    • Appropriate use cases for EMCO and ONAP, when to use them separately and or together

6:30-6:45 AM PSTBreak 1

6:45-8:00 AM PSTOrchestration: EMCO and ONAP ongoing operations alignment
  • Post-onboarding activities and requirements as products move into production – Day 2  operations handoff and ongoing mgmt– where and how are ongoing metrics collected and how to they feed into relevant parts of the stack....
    • What is considered in or out of the stack in various architectures....

8:00-8:15 AM PSTBreak 2

8:15-9:30 AM PSTLFN Community Support Workshop: Common Documentation and Tooling
  • Common documentation standardized guidelines – Minimum requirements and expectations, tools, types of documentation required for different types of projects.
  • Common tooling – What is the current set of tools?  Is there a possibility for consolidation?  Is it needed?  Is this even possible?

9:30 AM PSTDay 2 Ends

HRK:  Some slight adjustments to the exact specifics from Friday's meeting that made it easier to organize and slot things in and to make the sessions seem a bit more even. We likely still need to edit down the topics after looking at this further. I think next step is identifying the session leads, who then we might ask to help concentration. Appreciate all comments......

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