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Intent technology helps to implement and operate networks that can improve network availability and agility. It can be viewed as one of most promising solutions towards autonomous network. This topic will introduce a general-purpose intent framework, which may contain intent management, intent translation, intent decision and execution etc. In ONAP R8, the requirement will provide the internal reference architecture and interacting with other ONAP components, and also introduce intent modeling for specific use cases.

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  1. 3GPP 28812 proposed Intent driven management service. Guilin IBN POC showed that intent technology can  be leveraged to implment intent at different levels.
  2. Introduction to Intent framwork reference architecture and its funtional blocks which are being used in Honolulu PoC.
    1. Intent framework is a system that helps to implement and operate networks that can improve network availability and agility.
    2. It takes a high-level business goal (intent) as input, converts it to the necessary network configurations and applies the network changes via network automation and/or network orchestration. Continuously monitoring the status of the network under control, the system validates in real time that the intent is being met, and can take corrective actions when desired intent is not met.
    3. Functional blocks of Intent Framework in Honolulu PoC contains Intent Management, Intent Translation, Intent Decision and Execution, Intent Database.
  3. Honolulu PoC use case is intent driven network provisioning. The detailed sequence flow was given and corresponding offered and consumed APIs are there.
  4. Roadmap of intent technology in ONAP.

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