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Attendees & Representation. Please add your name to the attendance table below.



VM (Vicky) Brasseur Wipro
Jason Niesz Walmart
Rishabh Gupta
Santhosh Fernandes Walmart Microsoft
Satya Pradhan
Dhivya R Walmart

LF Staff: LJ Illuzzi

Send regrets: Dave ThalerEric Tice



  • Board Review and vote- The L3AF project passed the final LFN induction gate with a unanimous approval vote by the LFN Board. We are now officially an LFN project. Congrats to all and great work by everyone!
  • Open issues mandated by the LFN TAC for induction-
    • List of current committers in the repo. the TSC is reviewing the list of current committers and will add to the repo's. Reference:

    • Process for promoting contributors to committers. The TSC is developing a plan and will add to the repo's.
      • Open Github issues for each?
      • Can we close these both out by 03/23 so we can provide a readout on the next LFN TAC meeting?
  • LFN induction approved!
    • Add committers to repo - need list
      • Promoting contributors to committers - need process
    • Vicky: Working on governance. Set up code owners file for governance repo. Permissions issues.
      • Notifications going to wrong email
      • Work on Github issues asynch
    • LJ: TAC mandates
      • Open issues for committers current list, etc already exist.
      • Nominations under way issue 12, 13
    • Vicky: At the level that Wallmart joined LFN they already get someone on the TAC
      • L3AF nomination would give Wallmart 2 on the TAC.
        • Should they fill the first position instead of L3AF nominating a second?
    • LJ: It is a TAC seat and a governing seat.
    • Vicky: from LFN perspective it is not an issue
      • What is best for L3AF as a project.
      • Wallmart should think it through
    • Jason: We don't currently have a TAC rep and didn't know that there was an open seat.
      • We definitely want one.
    • Vicky: Pick Santosh as the Wallmart rep and someone else from L3AF for TAC rep and double team this?
    • Santosh: Will check into this.
    • Jason: Would prefer Santosh to be the L3AF TAC rep.
    • Vicky: Would be very comfortable with Santosh, but Wallmart should think through the politics of the issue.
    • Jason: Will take as an action item. What is best for Wallamrt and for L3AF
    • LJ: Back to TAC conditions for induction?
      • Need something for Mar 23.
      • Need to give a readout. What can we do?
      • Vicky: Halfway there at least.
        • Added committers list and governance.
        • Still working on process.
        • Committers may be set already for other repo., but do not have visibility yet.
        • Code owners file lists people by name who gets to review and who gets to review and merge.
        • Not going to mimic terrible, horrible process
      • LJ: TAC is trying to get the ship steered in the right direction
      • Vicky: Cleaning up existing problems in TAC is a TAC problem, not a L3AF probem
      • Jason: Right now just put contribs directly in file
      • Santhosh: Most of the names are already fixed.
      • Vicky: A shame to duplicate effort, between access and code owners, but at least we have working files.
      • LJ: Next step. What is process for adding/removing to/from code owners list.
        • Vicky: pretty minimal at this point because we are small. No need for large overhead processes.
        • LJ: Yes, lightweight process is good.
      • Vicky: Meeting with Kiran. Questions with getting started with L3AF
        • Repo has not been updated for 2 months.
        • What is the process for updating.
        • Kiran: Raised issues. Was abe to install L3AFd successfully. It was pretty easy.
        • Santhosh: Starting on issues. 
          • Working on: API, cleaning up pipeline checks, PR coming soon.
        • Vicky: Is the work happening internally at Wallmart?
          • Santhosh: Yes, it will be both internal and external
        • Vicky: Can we move all that work into the public?
          • It doesn't look like an OSS project with everting private until going public
          • Santhosh: It is public, but it is forked
            • On a different branch
            • Will be visible when there is a PR
            • Talk about that in the TSC, publish branch ASAP. Future policies and proceedures.
        • Santhosh: Will create WIP PR and publish so people can have visibility.

Action Items

Future Agenda Items
