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  • Developer & Testing Forum (tentative) - March 2022 - A one or two day virual Developer and Testing Forum is being considered for March and focusing on cross-community collaboration (as opposed to project centric).
      eBPF Package repository proposal
      • Scope of forum: LFN
      • Dave: Relationship to other orgs
        • Non-LFN event might be wider and gain more attendance.
      • Vicky: Projects associated with L3AF aren't LFN. Does it make sense for L3AF to be LFN?
      • Karan: Probably the eBPF foundation makes sense, but this should be an evolution.
        • L3AF scope is still evolving and growing.
      • Vicky: Makes sense to get going somewhere. LFN is a good starting point and it shouldn't be too difficult to move.
        • Look at other projects in LFN. Can we help them in some way? Do we fit in this ecosystem? Can we contribute?
      • Karan: A couple of projects showed interest, but none have translated to a project yet.
      • Louis: Collaboration points will start shaking out as we go forward.
    • eBPF Package repository proposal 
      • most items that need more discussion put in future version section
        • Set up sub-committee to work on them.
      • Sign off on basic version. Yes.
      • Committee: Santhosh, Karan, Vicky (if time permits), Dave, Daniel, Steve Laughman
    • LFN induction
      • Need community input (link above)
    • L3AFd on Windows
      • It builds!
      • What is the project process, issue triage, etc?
      • Karan: Multiple repos. Assigned owners for respective repos. Issues and PRs were managed by repo owner.
        • Need to update the process by adding reviewers.
      • Jason: Define a set of core code owners and reviewers for different repos
      • Karan: Create versioning and release doc.
      • Dave: PR signed off, what is the rest of the process for merging?
      • Karan: We don't have a versioning doc yet. Generally we get at least 2 before merging.
      • Dave: Distinguish between release and merging a PR.
        • Every PR may not be a release.
        • Use tags for releases. Don't block merging on having a release schedule.
      • Santhosh: Need a release branch where PRs can be merged when the release is done or do we just merge to main?
        • Call out minor and major releases.
      • Dave: Semantic versioning. This is a minor release, has no impact on Linux Binaries
      • Santhosh: create a branch for this and tag as 0.10, then create 0.11 and merge this PR.
        • Thoughts?
        • Karan: Put that into a 1-pager.
          • Wallmart wants to deploy directly from the repo
        • Dave: Usually enterprises have their own private fork for deployment
        • Karan: Would like to start with direct deployment and migrate later.
        • Dave: If you have a vulnerability, you can put a fix in without having to put it in the public repo.
        • Karan: Schedule for next meeting.
        • Dave: In production, run a fork identical to upstream, but may have Azure specific tests. Things like that.
          • Things that are embargoed. General public cannot view. Cannot be put into public repo yet.
        • Vicky: This allow us to avoid kerfluffles. Best security practice. Allows you to do enterprise specific stuff
      • L3AFd
        • Dave: Tests are scant, but they do pass. Should beef up in the future.
          • Windows does not support TC at this time.
          • Supports XDP. License for XDP in l3afd is GPL2
            • Change to GPL2 or MIT? Allows wider use than Linux?
          • Does the XDP have to be GPL2 only?
          • This should apply to all public repos for L3AFd.
        • Vicky: Add in PR?
        • Santhosh: We (Wallmart) will look into it and get back to L3AFp on this.
        • Karan: Is this legal or charter change?
          • Dave: Do not believe it requires a charter change.
          • Vicky: Owner of copyright can define licensing. Talk: Introduction to licensing.
            • This means Wallmart will have to decide licensing.
          • Karan: Thought we gave away copyright with the charter.
          • Dave: Nope, you gave up IP, but Wallmart retains copyright.
      • Document issues
        • Comes with make file, but you can't just type make.
        • UM app program depends on bpf, but calls setlink which is depricated.
          • Generates warning, should be updated.
        • Windows supports non-deprecated API only.
          • But we could support deprecated
      • Repo - sample dev environment using virtual box does not work. Timeout issues.
        • Can run L3AFd without this for testing.

    Action Items

    Future Agenda Items
