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  1. "The Technical Steering Committee (the “TSC”) will be responsible for all technical oversight of the open source Project."  (the charter goes on to describe specific responsibilities and procedures)
  2. The TSC conducts community elections, according to Community Election Procedure including
    1. determining TSC composition,
    2. determining eligibility criteria for TSC membership,
    3. approving the election calendar, and
    4. revising the election procedure from time to time.
    5. the Election method (from TSC Procedures Doc):
      1. For election of persons (TSC chairs, Project Leads, etc.) a multiple-candidate method should be used, e.g.:
        1. Condorcet: Election method that elects the candidate that would win by majority rule in all pairings against the other candidates or
        2. Single Transferable Vote: A voting system designed to achieve proportional representation through ranked voting in multi-seat constituencies
        3. Multiple-candidate methods reduce to simple majority voting when there is only one position to be filled.
  3. The TSC elects a TSC Chair, who will preside over meetings of the TSC and will serve until their resignation or replacement by the TSC. The TSC Chair
    1. will serve as the Project’s representative to the Technical Advisory Committee (“TAC”) of the LF Networking Fund of The Linux Foundation (“LFN”),
    2. will be the primary communication contact between the Project and the LFN
    3. will have responsibility for providing input on Project resource requirements to the TAC.
    4. also, will provide project health reports to the TAC, as requested.
  4. NOTE: At present, the OPNFV TSC has established the additional roles of TSC Vice-Chair and Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) Representative. Both roles are elected from the TSC membership using the same procedure as TSC Chair election.
  5. TSC Voting and Quorum at meetings
    1. While the Project aims to operate as a consensus based community, if any TSC decision requires a vote to move the Project forward, the voting members of the TSC will vote on a one vote per voting member basis.
    2. Quorum for TSC meetings requires at least a majority of all voting members of the TSC to be present. The TSC may continue to meet if quorum is not met, but will be prevented from making any decisions at the meeting.
      1. Quorum requirements are also based on TSC member attendance, See the 2020 Quorum reduction vote page
      2. The TSC Procedures Doc allows Proxies for TSC members who know in advance that they cannot attend a meeting. The current TSC Proxy Policy was updated by TSC agreement in January 2020.
    3. Decisions at meetings require a majority of TSC members present in the Quorum.  Decisions made electronically ("wiki-vote") require a majority of all TSC members.
  6. Sub-Project Oversight: The TSC may
    1. establish work flow procedures for the submission, approval, and closure/archiving of projects, 
    2. set requirements for the promotion of Contributors to Committer status, as applicable (see the TSC Procedures Doc doc, section 4, for more project governance details), and 
    3. amend, adjust, refine and/or eliminate the roles of Contributors, and Committers, and create new roles, and publicly document any TSC roles, as it sees fit.
  7. Additional TSC Responsibilities:
    1. .coordinating the technical direction of the Project;
    2. approving project or system proposals (including, but not limited to, incubation, deprecation, and changes to a sub-project’s scope);
      1. The development process will provide for projects to follow the life-cycle process as described in the TSC’s project lifecycle document. The development process will include a process for the TSC to oversee and approve changes in the lifecycle of a project,which will include consideration of the following criteria: (from the TSC Procedures Doc )
        1. Cleanliness of code base.
        2. Ample and diverse Contributors and Committers to assure vitality of the project.
        3. Stability (e.g. presence of test suites and use of an appropriate source-code control system).
        4. Predictability of releases.
        5. Alignment with OPNFV’s goals and priorities
    3. organizing sub-projects and removing projects;
    4. creating sub-committees or working groups to focus on cross-project technical issues and requirements;
    5. appointing representatives to work with other open source or open standards communities;
    6. establishing community norms (including code of conduct), workflows, issuing releases, and security issue reporting policies;
    7. approving and implementing policies and processes for contributing (to be published on and coordinating with the Series Manager to resolve matters or concerns that may arise as set forth in Section 7 of this Charter;
    8. amending the TSC Procedures Document and other policies and documents of the TSC;
    9. approving license exceptions under Section 7 of the Charter;
    10. discussions, seeking consensus, and where necessary, voting on technical matters relating to the code base that affect multiple projects; and
    11. coordinating any marketing, events, or communications regarding the Project with the LF Projects Manager or their designee.
  8. Charter Amendments: The charter may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the entire TSC and is subject to approval by LF Projects.
  9. Responsibilities wrt OVP
    1. approval of the scope of the OVP infrastructure badging program
    2. review and approval of exemption requests