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  • OSTK Release Selection Presentation
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Action Items

DescriptionDue DateAssigneeStatusTask In
1Update Chapter Status for Baldy releaseMay 15Pankaj Goyal

Once proof-reading complete on May 11, can start to upgrade. What should the status be?

Meeting on May 11, 2020, decided to remove bogo-meters from all chapters. work with Rabi.

2Yelling to chnage html to md

3E2E ReviewOngoing

4Figure file renamingMay 24Pankaj GoyalIssue #1609. Need 2 source files.
5Consistency of mandatoruy featureTBDIssue #1156 to be fixed in Baldy.
6Review autoscaling
Ian Gardner

7Cleanup Ch 02 and align with Ch06
Karine Sevilla

8Review Chapter 08 content and revise
Sukhdev Kapur


Issue #1080 closed; Issue #1019 remains open for tracking and dsicussions.
