Versions Compared


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There are 3 alternative for the TAC to consider / choose from. The 3 alternatives differ in the prerequisites a candidate for the LGBMCR has to fulfill and whether the TAC elects an alternate LGBMCR or not. 
Overview of the 3 alternatives:

  1. "Serve-at-least 2": Candidate must be an active contributor to at least 2 LFN projects. A person is considered an “active contributor” to a LFN project, if the person is eligible to vote as part of the TSC election process in that project.
    Note: The rationale for requiring the candidate to be active in at least 2 LFN projects is to ensure some level of balancing among projects - so that no single large project (with lots of eligible voters) could easily dominate the process.
    Concern: The need to be active in 2 projects limits the number of candidates.
  2. "Cycle every year": Candidates must be an active committer to a LFN project which differs from the LFN project that the currently servicing LGBMCR is an active committer of.
    Note: The rationale for not allowing the LGBMCR to be from the same project for back-to-back years is to ensure some level of balancing among projects in the long term. E.g. if the LGBMCR is elected from ONAP in Year 1.  In Year 2, only committers from projects outside of ONAP would be eligible. 
    Concern: While over a longer period of time there'd be balancing across projects, for the term of a year, there would be no balancing - hence a single project would still dominate.
  3. "Two-in-a-box": The TAC elects two candidates: A LGBMCR  and an alternate-LGBMCR. The candidates for the positions of LGBMCR  and alternate-LGBMCR must be active committers to LFN projects.   LGBMCR  and alternate-LGBMCR must not be active committers to of the same LFN project.
    Note: This alternative creates a balance across projects by creating a "2 in a box" situation. Either LGBMCR  or alternate-LGBMCR, but not both, would attend the GB meetings. It is expected that LGBMCR  and alternate-LGBMCR each attend approx. 50% of the GB meetings. The 2-in-a-box approach also balances the load across 2 shoulders and ensures that the LGBMCR  has a clearly defined alternate, in case she/he cannot attend a GB meeting.
    Concern:  Consistency between meetings could be a challenge if LGBMCR  and alternate-LGBMCR don't synch properly. The ability to build a relationship with the board is more difficult if one attends only one out of two meetings.

Deltas in the 3 alternatives are highlighted in "red".


Alternative 1: LFN Governing Board Member Committers Representative


  • The role of the LFN Governing Board Member Committers Representative (LGBMCR) is to represent the committers and contributors to LFN projects at the LFN Governing board.
  • LGBMCR is elected for the 1 year. Re-election is possible. There are no term limits.

Eligible candidates:

  • Candidate Candidates must be an active actives committer to at least one LFN TAC project. A person is classified as “active committer” if the person has done at least 10 git commits during the last year to a particular TAC LFN project.
  • Candidates can self-nominate, or be nominated by other community members. In the latter case, candidates must accept the nomination before the election is conducted.
  • Options for discussion by the TAC:Either: Candidate must be an active contributor to at least 2 LFN projects. A  A person is considered an “active contributor” to a LFN project, if  if the person is a committer on the project or is eligible to vote as part of the TSC election process for "any" election in that project.
    Note: The rationale for requiring the candidate to be active in at least 2 LFN projects is to ensure some level of balancing among projects - so that no single large project (with lots of eligible voters) could easily dominate the process.Or: Candidate must be an active contributor an LFN project. Examples of elections in the project: TSC, PTL, etc.

Eligible voters:

  • Any person who is an “active contributor” to any LFN project (i.e. LFN TAC-projects as well as any other LFN projects) is eligible to vote for the election. A person is considered an “active contributor” to a LFN project, if  if the person is a committer on the project or is eligible to vote as part of the TSC election process in that project.


  • for "any" election in that project. Examples of elections in the project: TSC, PTL, etc.

Election process:

  • The LFN Program Manager responsible for the TAC (LFN PM) – or a representative appointed by the TAC to conduct the LGBMCR election  - kicks off the election process, announcing the start of a nomination period via email to all technical-discuss and TSC mailing lists of all LFN project.
  • Nomination period (see above) is 2 weeks.
  • Once the nomination period is closed, the LFN PM (or the appointed representative), starts the election
  • Election uses the Condorcet method. The election period is 2 weeks.
  • Once the election period is closed, the LFN PM (or the appointed representative) announces the results via email to the above mentioned mailing lists.


Alternative 2: LFN Governing Board Member Committers Representative


  • The role of the LFN Governing Board Member Committers Representative (LGBMCR) is to represent the committers and contributors to LFN projects at the LFN Governing board.
  • LGBMCR is elected for the 1 year. Re-election is not possible.

Eligible candidates:

  • Candidates must be actives committer to at least one LFN project. A person is classified as “active committer” if the person has done at least 10 git commits during the last year to a particular LFN project.
  • Candidates can self-nominate, or be nominated by other community members. In the latter case, candidates must accept the nomination before the election is conducted.
  • Candidates must be an active committer to a LFN project which differs from the LFN project that the currently servicing LGBMCR is an active committer of.

Eligible voters:

  • Any person who is an “active contributor” to any LFN project (i.e. LFN TAC-projects as well as any other LFN projects) is eligible to vote for the election. A person is considered an “active contributor” to a LFN project, if


  • the person is a committer on the project or is eligible to vote for "any" election in that project. Examples of elections in the project: TSC, PTL, etc.


Election process:

  • The


  • LFN Program Manager responsible for the TAC (LFN PM) – or a representative appointed by the TAC to conduct the LGBMCR election  - kicks off the election process, announcing the start of a nomination period via email to all technical-discuss and TSC mailing lists of all LFN project.
  • Nomination period (see above) is 2 weeks.
  • Once the nomination period is closed, the LFN PM (or the appointed representative), starts the election
  • Election uses the Condorcet method. The election period is 2 weeks.
  • Once the election period is closed, the LFN PM (or the appointed representative) announces the results via email to the above mentioned mailing lists.


Alternative 3: LFN Governing Board Member Committers Representative


  • The role of the LFN Governing Board Member Committers Representative (LGBMCR) and the alternate-LGBMCR is to represent the committers and contributors to LFN projects at the LFN Governing board.
    Either LGBMCR  or alternate-LGBMCR but not both attend the LFN Governing board. LGBMCR  and alternate-LGBMCR work together and ensure that each of them attends approx. 50% of the GB meetings.
  • LGBMCR and the alternate-LGBMCR are elected for the 1 year. Re-election is possible. There are no term limits.
  • LGBMCR  and alternate-LGBMCR must not be active committers to of the same LFN project. 

Eligible candidates:

  • Candidates must be actives committer to at least one LFN project. A person is classified as “active committer” if the person has done at least 10 git commits during the last year to a particular LFN project.
  • Candidates can self-nominate, or be nominated by other community members. In the latter case, candidates must accept the nomination before the election is conducted.

Eligible voters:

  • Any person who is an “active contributor” to any LFN project (i.e. LFN TAC-projects as well as any other LFN projects) is eligible to vote for the election. A person is considered an “active contributor” to a LFN project, if the person is a committer on the project or is eligible to vote for "any" election in that project. Examples of elections in the project: TSC, PTL, etc.

Election process:

  • The LFN Program Manager responsible for the TAC (LFN PM) – or a representative appointed by the TAC to conduct the LGBMCR election  - kicks off the election process, announcing the start of a nomination period via email to all technical-discuss and TSC mailing lists of all LFN project.
  • Nomination period (see above) is 2 weeks.
  • Once the nomination period is closed, the LFN PM (or the appointed representative), starts the election
  • Election uses the Condorcet method. The election period is 2 weeks. The two top-ranked persons which are not committers of the same LFN projects are elected. The person who wins the election in Condorcet is elected LGBMCR.
  • Once the election period is closed, the LFN PM (or the appointed representative) announces the results via email to the above mentioned mailing lists.
