Use Cases and Assets

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Asset type

Asset DescriptionDetails
Frank Brockners Use CaseNetwork telemetry / Change-point detection
Walter Kozlowski Use CasePredictive Service Management for Telco

DatasetNetwork Performance WiScape
Nadathur Sundar Use CaseMalware DetectionDetect malware in executables, JavaScript, text formats (PDFs, MS Word, etc.) in network traffic – either in files or in packet streams.
E.g. AI Model MalConv (implementation 1, 2
Walter Kozlowski UsecaseAnuket Thoth project
Nadathur Sundar DatasetSOREL-20MSOREL-20M :  8 TB of Malware classified by type 
Jason Hunt ResearchDomain Name Model 
Jason Hunt ResearchNetworking with Foundation Models
Nadathur Sundar DatasetWide variety of datasets for Malware, DNS, IoT, etc. 
Fatih Nar Use Case → Sample Pretrained ModelsRevenue/Service Assurance, NetSecOps
Fatih Nar DatasetsOTel & eBPF Platform and Application Data together with marrying them in to available datasets from FCC and OpenData.

Use case presentation D&TF Budapest: