CNCF’s Cloud Native Telco Assets

CNF Certification - CNF Certification program provides a way for open and closed source network functions (ie applications providing networking functionality) to demonstrate their adoption of cloud native best practices

CNF Working Group - best practices for cloud native applications and infra

CNF Test Suite - CNF Test Suite is a tool to check for and provide feedback on using K8s + cloud native best practices in networking applications and platforms.

CNF Testbed (Currently inactive) - A framework and tools for deploying a K8s cluster to bare metal (Equinix) and a CNF workload to that cluster for different test cases/scenarios 

  • Repo:
  • Additional information:
    • Code exists for testing in CSIT, Equinix, and older code for OpenStack deployment and testing
    • Repeatable test cases
    • Vanilla K8s
    • Automated network configuration
  • Test cases and examples include:
    • Base NF performance (CSIT + Equinix)
    • Chained CNF (CSIT + Equinix)
      • Multiple chains and node use cases
    • CNF examples: 5G core functions on K8s, VPP-based IP Forwarder
    • SRIOV, RDMA, Multus, NSM, CPU Manager, CPU pinning, NUMA alignment

Telecom User Group (Currently inactive) - a User Group created for operators and their vendors who are using or aiming to use cloud native technologies in their networks. May write up requirements, best practices, gap analysis, or similar documents. 

Anuket Cloud Native Assets

RA2 - Reference Architecture for Kubernetes based cloud infrastructure

RC2 - Reference Conformance for RA2 based Implementations (RC2)

Functest Kubernetes

Anuket Assured

  • No labels


  1. Ranny Haiby  why RC1 is not included , is it archived then what about GSMA NG.129

  2. RC1 has different practices and principles. It is relevant for those who are seeking what it offers.  RC1 is not embracing cloud native principles as a core requirement thus it is not part of this new program.