
Community Attendees:

Community Attendees:

Jason Hunt 

Meeting RecordingGMT20240131-145438_Recording_1920x1080.mp4

Chat File: GMT20240131-145438_RecordingnewChat.txt


Antitrust Policy

Pending Action Items

DescriptionDue dateAssigneeTask appears on
Beth Cohen2024-04-24 LFN AI Taskforce Minutes (1500 UTC)
2024-04-24 LFN AI Taskforce Minutes (1500 UTC)
  •  Post ONE Summit and White paper- evaluate the status and trajectory of the AI Taskforce as compared to the rest of the industry in general; are we ahead of the curve? behind the curve? inline?, and adjust as needed. @all
2024-04-10 LFN AI Taskforce Minutes (0200 UTC)
    1. Pending Action Items

2024-03-27 LFN AI Taskforce Minutes (1500 UTC)
  • LJ Illuzzi Setup ad-hoc call with China Mobile and Infosys. Topic: Can a demo/PoC be done in this timeframe of ONE Summit/D&TF
LJ Illuzzi2024-02-28 LFN AI Taskforce Minutes (1500 UTC)


- LJ Illuzzi to update PCC