In attendance

Jill LovatoLFN

Pano Xinos

Ranny HaibyLF (ONAP Rep.)
Heather KirkseyLFN
Kenny PaulLFN
Lindsey SechIntel (MAC chair)
Filip (ODL Rep)
Trishan de LanerolleEquinix
Brandon WickAarna Networks
Sandeep Panesar(MAC vice chair)
Daniel HaveyMicrosoft
Stefan KindtNokia
Bob MonkmanIntel
Seshu KumarWindriver 
John DiGiglioIntel



  • Antitrust

Agenda & Action Items


  • ONE Summit
    • Schedule announcement next week
    • Promotion scheduled
    • A/B testing on taglines for advertising
    • Impressive content from CFP - Daniel Havey
    • Sponsorship still required - breakdown as at Aug 24 provided
    • Registration open - LFN member discount code = LFMEM2022
    • Suggestion to add a F2F gathering of Marketing team @ the event - Staff will discuss later today
  • Content funnel & performance
    • Ed cal
    • Commitments and content pipeline
    • Added focus on "developer marketing"
    • Marketing attendance @ TSC meetings to solicit ideas
    • Status colors
      • Green - in good shape, published on LFN website 
        • User stories @
      • Red - in danger of slippage, slipped
      • Black - planned
    • IBM upcoming content re. enterprise and innovations from LFN - awaiting drafts
    • LF Edge factory floor use case
    • Re-sharing SoMe content
      • Request to share Tweets and LI posts to personal networks
    • 2H2022 overview
      • Focus on ONE Summit
      • Content plans
    • LFN MAC scorecard
    • Next meeting Sept. 28, 2022, 8AM PT

Action items

  • Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date



  • No labels