Attendees: Brandon WickBob Monkman Igor DC


  • ONE Summit CFP Getting pushed out to  7/22 or 7/29
    • Submission Topics:
      • PCEI (with Oleg)
      • Orange Proof Point
  • Messaging Framework: Review Elevator Pitches and Tagline
  • Website Updates Needed:
    • Remove Logo Duplication
    • Add New Tagline
    • Add New Elevator Pitch
    • Add New Graphic
    • Add EMCO Functionalities (Bulleted List)
    • Add Blog Section
  • 22.06 Blog
    • Sundar's input (new)
    • Added 3 controllers
    • Google Anthos Plugin Support for GitOps
    • "Deployment for Complex Workloads"
    • "Automation of the Infrastructure" (from Sundar)
      • Service mesh
      • Application security
  • Short Video Clips (Igor)
    • Short Problem Statements + Solutions
    • Narration
    • Semi-technical
    • 3-9 minutes
    • Both a talking head and animation
    • Igor to create a couple samples for review
  • No labels