


  • Review/Update Plan


  • Timeline for start of Field Trial Will be moved to 6/1 week.
    • Due to Virtual Conference delay and Memorial day holiday
    • Announcement on Thursday's Governance call
  • Moving Questionnaire development to May 21 (Scot Steele )
  • VMWare discussion Scheduled - Hope to convince them to particiapte (Rabi Abdel Bob Monkman Scot Steele )
  • Need to get Mirantis working with UNH (Nick Chase)
  • Storage of FT data:
    • OPV 1.0 web portal to accept functest test results? Jim Baker to work on solution.

  • Concern - Have not yet addressed the 3X issue
    • Scot Steele  Proposed no more than 3X runs if failures occur.
  • Next Meeting 5/15

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