
Beth Cohen(Verizon)

Rabi Abdel (Vodafone)

Scot Steele (AT&T)

Bob Monkman (Intel)

Nick Chase (Mirantis)

Toshiyasu Wakayama (KDDI)


Agenda Bashing (5 minutes)

Marketing Outreach Exec Interview Status (2 Minutes)

  • Conclusions Summary has been completed for the first 4 interviews. A final write-up is nearly completed for publication
  • We are working to schedule one final interview with Saudi Telecom. 

Marketing Event/Collateral Discussion (15 Minutes) 

  • White paper- Held 2nd meeting on Wednesday Apr 8 with the contract writer- provided initial outline proposal
    • Sent email asking for help on providing pointers for White Paper Outline; Proposal to cover the current overview and status of RM, RA1 and RA2, RC goals
      • Several suggestions have come in but still waiting for other WS inputs
  • Need to compile updates for the late April LFN press/blog update package. Sent request to WS leads and Tech Forum leads but have only received 1 input thus far from RC2 lead. 
  • Need to flesh out slides agenda for April Virtual MMA Working Session- Open Discussion.
    • Working Session- WP working review session     (2 hours )

         – Review accomplishments

         - Brainstrorm digital mktg ideas (interim Bob send a message to folks on idea for webinar series topics) 

       - Building out 2H mktg plan 

Brief intro of Field Trials

  • -Metrics discussion and planning , reviews of progress etc

    • review of business, ROI metrics
    • Add Badging Requirements Discussion ( logical ask from MNOs in terms of the Badging requirements, expectations, RFIs, how binding, is it enforceable


Action Items capture is now included below. 

Meeting Notes

Bob Monkmanwill arrange a brief working session on fleshing out agenda items of virtual session

Scot Steele Nick Chase will jointly manage the Day 3 Field Trial session with Rabi

Roadmap discussion neeeded in Gov Session after Baldy wrt k8s testing , performance testing included? Should that be done for VNF testing as well, or focus the VNF testing on just functional/onboarding?

  • Discussion went towards focusing more on this topic in the context of CNF/RC2. 

Verizon is potentially willing to stand up RC1 Openstack testing field trials

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