Event Management & Communications

  • Announcement (LFN, CNTT)
  • Facility Approved (Reserved)
  • Registration Link (LFN)
  • Legal | Contractual (LFN)
  • Event Landing Page

Event Planning

  • Topic Solicitation
  • Build Agenda
  • Agenda Reviewed | Approved
  • Event Topic Facilitation (Details Added to Agenda)
    • Presentations
    • Speakers
    • Discussion Panels
  • Load Agenda to LFN Master Agenda

Event Logistics

  • Zoom Bridge Room / Session Assignments (LFN)
  • Qiqo Chat Setup?
  • Etherpad Setup (Technical Work Shop Workstream)
  • Community Socials (LFN | GSMA coordinated)

Pre-Event Activities

  • Presentations Posted to Master Agenda
  • Zoom Bridges Posted to Master Agenda
  • Etherpad Links Posted to Master Agenda

Event Facilitation Assignments

  • Overall Event Host(s)
  • Session Facilitators | Time Keepers
  • Event Manager (Facility Coordination)
  • Note Takers (Audience Solicitation)
  • Zoom Bridge Recordings | Publication

Post Event

  • Organize | Consolidate Etherpad Notes
  • Document | Review Action Items
  • Conduct Event Survey
  • Publish | Review Survey Results
  • No labels