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Topic Description

30min, Dipankar Chatterjee Girish Kumar 

Exploring alternate frameworks to Springboot based microservices in order to improve the cloud Native performance of Java based ONAP components.

Topic Overview

Currently in ONAP most of the components like service orchestrator (SO) , Configuration Persistence Service (CPS), SDC etc which are java based are built using Spring boot as the technology . Though Spring has a higher developer base and compatibility , it is not the ideal choice for cloud native environments which has a requirement for low startup time , low memory footprint framework

There are other alternative frameworks which are inherently cloud native and has demonstrated capabilities with low startup time , low memory consumption like Micronaut , Quarkus, GraalVM.

In this session we aim to assess the advantages and disadvantages of frameworks like micronaut , Quarkus over springboot and propose towards the possible technology shift through a POC.

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