
Release 11.2022 is the first xgvela release delivered in 2022. It started at June 29 and ends at November 29. Within this release, the team has completed delivering 5 major functions (which have 13 features in total) and code related documents, covered functional testing and deployment verification, and updated architecture doc. Besides, the team has made a huge progress on release related procedure establishment.

Projects accomplishment:

ProjectCloud native OAM
Release accomplishment

Delivered Functional Features:

  • Targeted on NF management PaaS capabilities, re-designed and implemented a group of functions to deal with operation and management in network functions.
  • The major delivered functions include:
    • configuration management
    • topology management
    • performance management
    • log management
    • alarm management
    • authentication and authorization (supporting functions )
    • subscription interface on observability data (supporting functions )
    • Source code can be found at: https://github.com/XGVela/cloud-native-OAM
  • Impelmented helms charts for all the above functions. Files can be found at: https://github.com/XGVela/cloud-native-OAM-builder

Delivered Documentations:


  • Successful integration among cloud native OAM functions, Inspur's container platform and CMCC's container platform on Big Cloud. Both of the container platform are using K8S for orchestration.
  • Successful integration among cloud native OAM and network function simulator, which is developed to mimic actions of real network functions.

Tests covered:

As there is no CI/CD pipelines, tests on delivered cloud native OAM functions have been completed in private environment. Quality of delivered codes, helm charts and documentations support users to deploy and use cloud native OAM. Auto testing are scheduled in next release.



Summit presentation:

Summary of outstanding accomplishment
  • Functional code delivery. Cloud native OAM supports to provide operation and management functions outside NF, which can help to relief NF developers from putting too much effort on fcaps related developement. Besides, as cloud native OAM is the most commonly functions that can be shared among NFs, providing them through PaaS platform indicates NF are using more capabilities on cloud, which is a good trend for telcos to be more cloud native.
  • Cloud native OAM has been integrated with and verified on two different container environments. This on some degree reflects the portablity of codes.
Delta between planned and actual accomplishmentN/A
Plans for Next Release
  • More telco PaaS functional features delivery
  • Integration among cloud native OAM, CNF (e.g. Free 5GC), other PaaS platform (OKD), and ONAP.
  • Bug fix and doc optimize
  • Update cloud native OAM deployment method

Release management accomplishment: