Topic Leader(s)

Topic Description


  • Map out an Infra Platform and Compliance Framework

Topic Overview

Slides & Recording

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Copied from the previous session:

The main people working on RA2 and RC2 have been infrastructure, so don't have as much an understanding RA-2 of what is required to support a networking workload. 

RA2 Chptr 7 - 


Service chains

RM Chapter 3 introduces SFC ( but we never got to developing the requirements

Day 0-Day 1 Templates are very difficult because none of the vendors have a standard way to deploy.  Two issues, vendor interoperability (both deployment and production) and just block and tackle of deploying a single workload and lack of standard tools across vendors.  The telcos and infrastructure vendors are experiencing the pain, but why are the workload vendors less engaged?  Are they not experiencing the pain as well?  Workload vendors are going to put their limited resources into new features, not lifecycle and deployment tools.

Pankaj Goyal Do we need a standard way to deploy or that all deployment tools utilize a standard workload package? So, can we specify a standardized deployment package?  – YES!!!

There are many stakeholders to this very large gap.  The answer does NOT need to be ONAP!  

The lifecycle interoperability requirements need to start in RM – the Anuket Reference Model.  Started to work on it, but needs more work.  The requirements need to flow into RA → RC conformance testing.

RA2 issue:

ONAP ASD page:

O-RAN ASD page:


Action Items