Welcome to the LFN DTF Workshop

The LFN DTF Workshop is a special follow-on event from the January LFN Developer & Testing Forum and will be focused on continuing cross-project collaborations. The  event will be held virtually March 14 & 15 and will use a combination of online tools to create a productive and interactive virtual meeting environment. See the schedule at the link below and attend the sessions of most interest to you.

This workshop is intended to be deeply interactive on CNF, orchestration alignment, and community documentation and tooling topics. 

Facilitation Ground Rules

We really look forward to engaging with the community on these strategic topics.

The zoom links are in Team Up calendar under the schedule link below.

General Event Info



PST: 05:00 - 09:00
UTC: 12:00 - 16:00
IST: 17:30 - 21:30
CST: 20:00 - 00:00

Event Slack Channel   lfntech.slack.com

Join link: https://join.slack.com/t/lfntech/shared_invite/zt-qa0svbl2-7gHJE88c5VL5LDwID7xV_Q

Details for Presenters:

LFN Staff Support

Additional Information