Topic Leader(s)

Topic Description

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30m TBD, @Poorna Gaddehosur,Daniel Havey 

Topic Overview

In this presentation we will introduce the Windows for eBPF project. We will discuss in detail the architecture and current state of the project. We will discuss what is under current development in the Windows for eBPF GitHub project and our focus on inclusive, open source and cross-platform development. This presentation is an open invitation for participation to any and all developers who wish to contribute. Details will be given during the presentation. And as time permits we will show a couple of eBPF for Windows demos.

Slides & Recording

Please indicate your session type in the blank space below and then remove this Info field.

  • Demo / Informational (non-interactive)
    • You may be asked to pre-record this session which will be made available on-demand.
  • Live Interactive Session

Presentation w/slides and demo at the end.

LFN Staff may elect to publish some videos to YouTube.  Please indicate here if you do not want your session to be published to YouTube.

*** Please indicate here  your session type

Live Interactive Session

Please link slides here.



Please select a scribe from the community to take minutes for your topic.  Please do not select your community TPM unless they explicitly volunteer.

Daniel Havey

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