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LF Staff:  LJ Illuzzi



Cross-platform signing proposal:


Matteo Croce from Microsoft joined today’s TSC call (excellent notes here, thanks to Daniel’s speedy fingers) to introduce and discuss his BPF patch to support cross-platform signing. Unfortunately, several key people were unable to make it to today’s call (that’s the holidays for you), so Matteo was able to introduce his patch but we weren’t able to get into a deep conversation about it.

A summary of today’s discussion: Matteo’s patch is cross-platform and will allow for signed BPF programs to be distributed remotely. Soon after Matteo’s patch, Alexei (maintainer of BPF) sent over a separate patch for signing BPF programs. It relies on an approve-list(*) as well as on Linux’s fs verity (meaning it’s not cross-platform).

The full discussion is in the recording of today’s call. Please give it a listen.

We were going to have an in-depth discussion of this be the topic of the next TSC call, but it seems Matteo’s patch is time-sensitive. Since the next call is January 5th, we’ll need people to have a look at the patch, the conversation in response to it, and then come up with an opinion based upon L3AF and its needs. That opinion should be expressed in the conversation on the patch.

*** Minutes from 12/15/2021 ***

Action Items

Future Agenda Items

***** Minutes from previous call *****