LJ Illuzzi(LFN)


cathy hong zhang

Ravi Chunduru

Igor DC

Sriram Rupanagunta (Aarna)

LJ Illuzzi(LFN)

Anbu Ganesh(CanGo)

Victor Morales (Samsung)

Bob Monkman

Timo Perala

14 September Agenda is:

Update on TAC Induction- Review the latest draft of the Induction proposal

Close on a  call for a vote on JIRA or alternative for issue tracking- more discussion needed? 

Gitlab issue

Gitlab with Jira integration, Igor will test it out more and do a demo in next meeting


Update from Intel engineering team on seed code CI/CD preparation

Action Items:

Louis sends link for license agreement validation, get info on software vulnerability validation

Louis will show the LF insight tool and activity report

Ritu will provide a release note with known issues. 

List of approvers/owners for PR merging: TSC members + initial list of committers who are familiar with EMCO code

rules about how many approvals are needed for a PR to be merged: two reviewers consisting of committers and contributors which does not include the author

criteria for a contributor to become a committer

action items: Cathy will put down the initial  list of committers in induction page

Future topics: 

Project PTL? 

sub committees to review new architecture, new sub-projects, integration with other open source projects, lab management etc. ?



------------- from 09/07 ---------------

Review Open ARs: 

It was requested/suggested in the last meeting that , on the TAC Induction slide that talks about current project vitality, we add commit statistics, if available, from the current internal Intel development.

It was requested that we ensure that the EMCO technical overview should  position itself as complimentary to ONAP, with a request to seek if some architecture diagram or other such indication could be added to the deck to make this clear, given that ONAP's TSC Chair is on the TAC and there has been some discussion within ONAP community of possible overlap and so we want to get out of front on this item. 

We need to arrange the LF License Scan to be done sometime before the 22nd of Sept TAC preso 

New Agenda Items: 

Update on TAC Induction- Review the 1st draft of the Induction proposal

Discussion to call for a vote on JIRA or alternative for issue tracking- Question for Louis on procedure for vote. 

Update from Intel engineering team on seed code CI/CD preparation

List of approvers/owners for PR merging: TSC members + initial list of committers who are familiar with EMCO code

rules about how many approvals are needed for a PR to be merged

criteria for a contributor to become a committer

Open Discussion & Next Steps

Future Agenda Items:

KubeEdge positioning for TAC deck. 

Launch Discussions...

EMCO position in 5G Super BluePrint? (Already being use via OpenNESS components, which in fact is in EMCO already) 
