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Topic Overview

While the installer becomes mature for deployment of NFV, it's still painful both for vendor and operator to accelerate the construction of NFVi. There are many factors to block the efficiency of building up NFVi, One of the key point is that it will keep pending to start deployment before the network settings reaching the pre-condition, weeks of time are observed spending on that, rounds of deployment happened to find & fix the problem of incorrect network configuration, we would discuss and share our views about that.

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Installation and troubleshooting of Infrastructure networking (Rack to ToR, ToR to ToR, etc. ) Suggesting common Networking model to enable automation of network set-up.

Q: There are 10 plus switch MFRs - how do we

A incrementall

Q: SDN control could help?

A: yes, but there is basic manual and construction steps, configuration steps, and no automation of these. LOOKING for support of network configuration, and keep the tool running forever.

What about using NETCONF and YANG Model? they are currently using ssh (command line).

Do some common configuration rules exist? tools exist?  (??)

Some rumes are complex - do we configure on physical port, or logical port? or, or,... ?

Look into ODIM, the redfish-oreinted control project.

Action Items