
Launch Event

Speaker Outreach / Confirmation Status: 

Slide Decks

New PPT Slide Template Available here:

Decks Required:

Press Release

Status / timing reviwew

Attention grabbers?

Launch Quotes

Bob is leading the outreach to key community members / executives for supporting quotes. 

Status Review: Shared Doc: 


Under Development on staging site. Initial Review 1/18.

Need website copy review + additional FAQs:

Anuket Recruiting

How to get visibility / buy in on recruitment plan?

OVP Brand Evolution

Jim needing proposal for CVC/OVP. Suggest Anuket MWG to develop a position on OVP Brand Evolution. Post Launch, OPNFV brand will be largely defunct. Need a proposal for the community to respond to. 

Initial Recommendation: Translate OVP into AVP (and build other project/org support (e.g. ONAP, CNCF, GSMA) into supporting messaging.