
  1. Integration tests in target deployments using OOM.
  2. Writing  E2E tests for the Workflow designer.
  3. Improving SDC test unit test coverage: BE/FE.
  4. Improving SDC CSIT (Selenium) coverage and stability, upgrading to a more recent version of Selenium.
  5. Moving to Junit 5 syntax where possible.
  6. Improving and standardize the test code of  SDC.


1Set up the development environment, running locally, getting familiar with the SDC portal as well as testing Environment.



Writing  E2E tests for the Workflow designer.


3Solving the issue SDC-3181 broken workflowD.


4Improving SDC CSIT (Selenium) coverage and stability, upgrading to a more recent version of Selenium.



Moving to Junit 5 syntax



Writing an integration test in the Robot framework  (CSIT) for OOM gating.



Improving and standardize the test code of  SDC.


8User guide or other development delivery documents.



  1.  Robot or java test that covers also the Workflow Designer plugin.
  2. More Tests on SDC BE/FE platforms.
  3. Integration Tests on OOM  gating with RobotFramework.
  4. Improved SDC CSIT(selenium)  stability with upgraded selenium.
  5. Moved to JUnit 5 on all tests. 

Evaluation Criteria:

Work Due

  1. Shifting all the Junit 4 tests to JUnit 5(half of it is already done by the SDC team)
  2. upgrading the selenium to the newest version in existing tests.



Challenges Faced during the program

Insight Gained


Full Documentaion of the project can be seen on SDC portal wiki page.

Project Report: