Outstanding Action Items


CVC Governance & Elections

  • Voting pool for the CVC and the Could Native Subcommittee
    • Currently the mailing lists / participation for the two committees
    • To be eligible to vote, the company must be a member of LFN.  One vote per company.
    • Agreed to use a single pool of eligible for voting for all positions in the CVC & subcommittees.
    • Agreed to proceed with the election using the above pool, and we will align with the required number of cast votes used elsewhere in the LFN (i.e. board elections, etc.).
      • Jim Baker will look up the requirements on number of cast votes from the LFN guidelines, board, etc.
  • Voting will start after the close of business on April 15, giving LFN staff time to finish cleaning up the voting lists (i.e. companies with multiple participants, etc.).
  • Lincoln Lavoie will update the voting information on the wiki with the above agreements.

OVP 2020.r1 Planning

  • No updates.

Cloud Native Subcommittee (OVPp2)

  • Cloud Native Badge / Program Governance Discussion
    • What is different from the current governance used for the existing OVP program
    • Definition of source requirements for the badge in our current OVP programs:
      • Requirements - from the technical project (i.e. ONAP)
      • Tools - from the technical project (i.e. ONAP)
      • Definition of the badge (i.e. must pass requirements 1, 2, 5, 6) - documented in OVP by CVC
        • In OVP2.0 - does CNTT RC2 become the source for this information?
        • Or, OVP defines these requirements, can could point to CNTT RC2, but could be updated / flexible in the future
    • Guidance on types of testing: functional vs operational vs architecture verification vs interoperability vs etc.
      • Should we try to stay focused on items that will impact interoperability
      • Additional "features/functions/tests" could be used for differentiation of the badges
    • Levels of badges (i.e. silver, gold, diamond, etc.)
      • Unsure if this would be required at this point for the badges / program.
  • Lincoln Lavoie to create a wiki page with the existing program governance documentation, adding the above comments for consideration, etc.

Any other business

  • Next CVC Meeting: April 27
  • Next Cloud Native Subcommittee: April 20