Meeting Logistics: 

Attendee List:

  1. Fu Qiao (Qiao Fu)
  2. Jambi Ganbar
  3. Scot Steele
  4. Scott Steinbrueck
  5. abdullah alharkan
  6. Prabhu Balan (Vodafone)

Meeting Agenda

  1. new WSL for RI
  2. new PTL for CIRV
  3. preparation for Apr virtual meeting CNTT April 2020 Technical Virtual Schedule (3 day Strawman)
    1. RI-1/RC-1: Cookbooks Tutorials  Day 2 - April 22, 2020 UTC 11:30-12:45
    2. RI/RC: and OPNFV - What is needed from OPNFV and When! Day 3 - April 23, 2020 UTC 12:00-12:45
  4. introduction for rapid project – Sridhar
  5. continue discussion for the RC issues: