Interim Governing Board representative (March'2018)

If you are interested in running in the interim GB representative election, please enter your nomination statement/bio in the table below by 5pm Pacific Time on March 19th.  

Name/OrganizationNomination Statement/BioNotes
Mazin Gilbert/ATT/ONAP

I will be honored and privileged  to serve this committee on the governing board.

I am currently the technical chair for the Linux Foundation ONAP, where my organization is actively contributing code and leading over half of the TSC projects. My team and I are actively leading or contributing to other open source projects including Acumos Deep Learning, ODL and Akraino  EdgeStack.

Ed Warnicke/Cisco/

I've been involved in Open Source Networking of various sorts for over 15 years, dating back to being a committer on Wireshark in he early 2000s.

I am currently the TSC Chair of the community, was a founding TSC member at OpenDaylight and ONAP, and was immortalized in lego by the OpNFV community.

I feel strongly that its crucial that the TAC represent the technical communities of all the LFN community to the board.

My broad experience across all of the major project technical communities over the last half decade puts me in an excellent position to represent the technical community to the board.