
Linux Foundation Networking (LFN) organizes four principal technical community face-to-face meetings each year. These meetings are structured, programmed, and driven by the LFN Project Technical Communities with support from LFN program managers, marketing and events staff. Generally, the LFN events are planned and scheduled as follows:

CNTT face-to-face meetings are planned in conjunction with these events, coinciding with  and in collaboration with other LFN communities. The CNTT Technical F2F Workshop workstream, its officers and members, perform event planning and coordination in collaboration with LFN and the broader CNTT community.

CNTT Technical F2F Workshop Objectives

Overall, CNTT Technical Face-to Face Work Shop promotes a diverse and collaborative setting for community members to work closely on plans and deliverables to accelerate the delivery of common NFVI solutions  to the marketplace. Specifically, focus areas in this setting include:

Establishing a CNTT F2F Event

LFN will notify the CNTT Governance Master Steering officers and leaders of scheduled events and details once approved. Details include scheduled dates, location, as well as information available on the facility at that time. The CNTT Technical F2F Workshop Workstream will then begin initial planning, including CNTT event duration and establishing work shop goals and/or objectives.

Once initial details on the CNTT F2F event have been defined and approved, the landing page for the CNTT event will be created and posted to the CNTT Community wiki. All known event details will be published at this time. The event page will be updated as additional detail becomes available, such as registration site and event schedules.

An event checklist should be created and used to track planning, logistics, pre-event, and post-event activities to ensure all aspects are tracked, managed and cared for.  Checklists can be found and/or stored for each event on this page.

Event Management & Communications

The following activities should be conducted to address event communications, legal requirements, and participant registration.

Announcement: Event announcements will be published by LFN and the CNTT community, including dates, location, and other details.

Legal | Contractual Requirements: All legal requirements for event sponsorship, facilities, and registrations will be addressed by LFN

Event Landing Page: LF | LFN event communications will be published and socialized by LF | LFN through the LF event landing page as well as other established communication channels. CNTT will publish and communicate event (work shop) details to the broader CNTT Community through Governance Steering Master meetings, CNTT Community landing page, and email communications. 

Registration - Registration links to CNTT F2F Work Shops will be created and managed by LFN. The links will be socialized to the CNTT Community when they become available.

Event Planning

Event planning is facilitated by the CNTT Technical F2F Work Shop workstream in full collaboration with LFN, GSMA, and the broader CNTT Community.

CNTT Technical F2F Work Shops should be planned, in advance, to optimize time and value of the overall event. Topics for the event will be sourced from the community to achieve an appropriate mix, based on community progress and changes in the technology landscape. During the planning phase, topics will be captured, approved, scheduled, and communicated.

Sample Time Table;

Lead Time Prior to EventTask
> 6 monthsEvents are scheduled with initial logistics set (dates, duration, location, & facility)
8-12 weeksSolicitation of topics from Governance & Technical Steering Committees (topics, duration, & facilitators)
8-10 weeksFacility logistics are known (number of rooms, room sizes, A/V support, local power, food / beverage service)
8 weeksEvent registration opens
5-8 weeksCommunity sourced topics collected, assembled into an agenda, agenda reviewed, approved, & published)
1-4 weeksPrepare for event (presentations posted, zoom bridge setup, Etherpads are created
1 dayFacility walk-through; A/V system at facility is tested & certified

Event Logistics

Pre-Event Activities

Event Facilitation | Assignments

Post Event Activities