
Linux Foundation Networking (LFN) organizes four principal technical community face-to-face meetings each year. These meetings are structured, programmed, and driven by the LFN Project Technical Communities with support from LFN program managers, marketing and events staff. Generally, the LFN events are planned and scheduled as follows:

CNTT face-to-face meetings are planned in conjunction with these event, coinciding with  and in collaboration with other LFN communities. The CNTT Technical F2F Workshop workstream, its officers and members, perform event planning and coordination in collaboration with LFN and the broader CNTT community.

Establishing a CNTT F2F Event

LFN will notify the CNTT Governance Master Steering officers and leaders of scheduled events and details once approved. Details include scheduled dates, location, as well as information available on the facility at that time. The CNTT Technical F2F Workshop workstream will then begin initial planning, including CNTT event duration and defining work shop goals.

Event Management & Communications

Event Planning

Event Logistics

Pre-Event Activities

Event Facilitation | Assignments

Post Event Activities