
To get VNF vendors more comfortable with the OVP program for VNFs, the plan is to conduct a OVP VNF hacking track at the Jan 2020 LFN Developer and Testing Forum in Prague. This can hopefully start a virtuous cycle where more VNF vendors means more ONAP in production, which in-turn will drive more VNF vendors to interoperate with ONAP.

The broad tasks are:

Lead Volunteers:

Test Plan

Lab#1 Resources

The following labs have committed resources to support  the hacking track.  

Lab NameContactResources AvailableNotes
UNH-IOLLincoln Lavoie <lylavoie@iol.unh.edu
  1. ONAP Dublin Instance (might be upgraded to El Alto in late October)
  2. OpenStack Instance
  3. Lab as a Service (https://labs.lfnetworking.org)
  • ONAP instance isn't available until after Broadband World Forum show (October 15-17

OpenStack Details:

Access Method: Open VPN

VNF Upload: Either through the VPN connection, or by "pulling" them from the Internet into the instance

Hosting sVNFM/EMS: Depending on the size, it should be possible to install this on the UNH-IOL OpenStack cloud

Past Activities

High-level status (chronological):