TAC Chair

The TAC will elect from amongst the voting TAC members a chairperson for a term of one year. The TAC shall hold elections to select a TAC Chair annually; there are no limits on the number of terms a TAC Chair may serve. 


The primary responsibility of the TAC Chair is to lead the TAC in fulfilling its responsibilities as outlined in section 7 of the LF Networking Fund Charter and to be responsible for:

These responsibilities may be delegated to another member of the technical community.


The TAC will elect from amongst voting TAC members a Vice-Chair.  The TAC shall hold elections to select a Vice-Chair annually; there are no limits on the number of terms a Vice-Chair may serve. 


The Vice-Chair will support the TAC Chair.

The Vice-Chair will represent the TAC when the TAC Chair is not available unless another delegation has been made explicitly. 

LFN Governing Board Member Committers Representative (LGBMCR)

TAC Appointed Seats

The TAC may itself appoint up to two members at the needs of the TAC.

Number of TAC Appointed Members

TAC Appointed Candidates

2022 Seats


The role of the security SME is to work with project TSCs, the TAC and the LFNGB to improve the security of the code produced by LFN projects by

5G Super Blueprint

Good characteristics for candidates to fill the TAC Seat supporting 5G include: