Discussion and opens:

Note, the following is a work in progress.


This page is intended to capture LFN CVP committee discussions and work relating to the longer term strategy and direction of testing against industry standards, specifications and references within the LFN projects. LFN CVP is responsible for strategy, process and oversight of compliance and verification programs within LFN. Compliance programs have commercial involvement and hence require strong governance including legal considerations. Technical oversight for compliance programs (test tools, test cases, test criteria, etc.) are the responsibility of designated TSC (currently OPNFV for NFVI and ONAP for VNF).


Standard (Industry Standard): A specification published by an industry standards body (could be draft or proposed).

Specification: Technical norm or reference agreed by an industry group (e.g. open source community) which is not a standard.

Compliance: A "device" is compliant if it meets the requirements defined within a specification, i.e. a power plug is required to have 3 prongs and would be consider compliant if it indeed has 3 prongs in the correct locations and orientations.

Conformance: ???

Certification: ???

Validation: A "device" is validated when it operated according to its intended purpose or design, i.e. a power plug is able to connect to a socket that is also known to be compliant and passes electricity, both have been validated (it really works).

Test domain:


VNF Compliance

NFVI Compliance:

Open Questions:


VNF Validation:

NFVI Validation:

Open Questions:


NFVI Performance

VNF Performance


Slide presented/created in Paris 2019 F2f