LFN-Level Badges


LFN-Level Badges are awarded annually in the first quarter to honor the prior year's leaders, mentors, and mentees for their exceptional contributions to the LFN community. Do you have a suggestion for a different badge or award, please propose that to the TAC at lfn-tac@lists.lfnetworking.org

LFN Leader Badge

LFN Mentee Badge

LFN Mentor Badge

Project-Level Badges


Project-Level Badges are issued based on data from LFX Insights. Most badges are awarded automatically, except for certain categories like Leadership and Ambassador badges.

[Project] Contributor Badge

[Project] Committer Badge

[Project] 100 Commits Badge

[Project] Leader Badge

[Project] PTL Badge

[Project] Ambassador Badge

Note: Replace every instance of [Project] with the project name when entering into Credly.