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Meeting Logistics: 

Attendee List:

  1. Qiao Fu (china Mobile)
  2. Michael Fix (AT&T)
  3. Daniel Balsiger (Swisscom)
  4. Lincoln Lavoie
  5. Saad Ullah Sheikh (Saudi Telecom Company - STC)
  6. Jim Baker (LF)
  7. Georg Kunz (Ericsson)
  8. Jiaqiang Zhang (China Mobile)
  9. Liang Chen (China Mobile)
  10. Scott Steinbrueck (AT&T)
  11. Luc Provoost (Intel)
  12. Sridhar Rao (Spirent)
  13. Abdullah Alharkan ()
  14. Rihab Banday (Ericsson)
  15. Saad Ullah Sheikh

Goals of Meeting

  1. Status
    1. Labs & Next Steps (POD10/15)
    2. HDV
    3. Manifest Validation
    4. Spirent NFVI/VIM onboard of TCs
    5. RC Test Case | Req Gap Assessment - need to corroborate & close gaps
  2. Review April Release Deliverables
    1. On/by 2/21:
      1. Ensure all Baldy To-Dos are captured (GitHub)
      2. ONES LA Topics Proposals - Technical → session planning 
        1. Confirm list | Add Description | Presenters | Material
    2. Review Backlog
    3. Confirm Volunteer(s)
    4. Confirm Issue
  3. Review open PRs
  4. AOB
    1. Review / Add Apr. CNTT workshop topics
    2. RI/RC 2/19 Gov Slide Review


  1. Status
    1. Labs & Next Steps (POD10/15)
      1. Prior status:  
        1. Pod10: Access to APIs work.  Horizon dashboard not accessible.  Sridhar to redeploy & analyze source of failures.
        2. Pod15: Deployment failures.  Need daily CNTT jobs to stop.  Then, will perform manual deployment.  Email sent to Cedric to stop jobs, and James asking for concurrence of manual investigation plan for failures.
      2. Today status:  
        1. Two patches from opnfv/airship repo.

          1. (apply pyyaml patch from upstream) → not use patching, already merged & permanent (already done)

          2. (Glance Rally test fix) → have removed Glance testing while deploying, already merged & permanent (already done)

        2. Were daily manual deployment and test runs successful?
        3. POD10 - stable, not running functest
        4. POD15 - have tried three times for deployment; stable deployment (Ocata); 1 failed test case
          1. Health check - tempest smoke, trying to find logs (Sridhar)
          2. JIRA ticket opened: #TBD
          Timeline to reinstate automated deployments?
    2. HDV - finalize schema, build prototype
      1. Prior status: 
        1. New HDV RI chapter (index) merged
        2. New PR has been created by Chen Liang for the HDV contents.
        3. OPNFV weekly (Monday) call - started using the platform as a means to facilitate HDV discussions 
        4. Confirmed Mark B is not able to assist at this time
        5. Solicited developer volunteers to help build prototype.
          1. Mark Beirerl - recommends reviewing -
          2. Ram, Vinayak (NFV BU) <> -
            1. Discussing plan to see if we can leverage his tool
            2. Utilizes standard interfaces based on Redfish to query the infrastructure and get the information to be validated. 
      2. Today status:
        1. Next OPNFV call - China Mobile to share similar validations.HDV validations for awareness, comparison, and potential use for CNTT, pending approvals
        2. HPE - demo?  Mgmt approval to use?  → Mike, checking with Viyanak to attend 2/24 OPNFV call
        3. Review - → someone familiar?  volunteer?
          1. Mostly done by Dell.
          2. Abstracting for IPMI, Redfish, etc (based on what Ironic does)
          3. Consensus is not to expend energy - rather, pursue CMCC and HPE tools
    3. Manifest Validation - finalize schema
      1. Prior status:
        1.  Sridhar Rao created initial set of aspects (configuration) to validate as part of manifest (S/W) validation.
        2.  Awaiting review/approval from James Gu
      2. Today status: 

        1. Software Deployment - Prototype built checking software links
        2. Config - needs to be done
        3. Demo - next weekDeveloper volunteers are needed to help build prototype.
    4. Spirent NFVI/VIM onboard of TCsTCs  (NOT COVERED)

      1. Prior status:  Checking with engineering to see if they can decouple NFVI/VIM test cases from core packages.

      2. Today status:
    5. RC Test Case | Req Gap Assessment
      1. Prior status:  
        1. Initial pass complete. 
        2. Reviewed and assessed by Functest PTL.
        3. Next steps:
          1. Orange (Cedric) will add traceability (TCs to requirements) in RC Ch 5; to close gaps
          2. (Done) CNTT (Rabi) will help to restructure the RC document by moving Ch 3 content (TC requirements) to Ch5 (Traceability), and switching the order of Ch 4 Cookbook with Ch 5 TC list and traceability.
          3. (Mike) Reached out to OPNFV TSC and LFN to get traction on onboarding needed OPNFV projects 
            1. Yardstick - discussing, nothing definitive, CNTT/Xtesting integration is part of the project's recurring call
            2. VSPerf - (Sridhar R.) ready to demo, wants to onboard
              1. Conversation in Prague
              2. Target EOM Feb - to add containers for Xtesting
              3. Next week - demo and discussion about integration
            3. Barometer (Emma Foley, 2/19)
              1. Discussing, need clarification what is/isn’t already onboarded into Functest
              2.  ...initial feedback, Barometer TCs are not being run with functest.
              3. ...Determine what TCs we have and whether they are still valid/functional

            4. NFVBench - no progress/response
            5. Storperf (Mark B) - discussing, ready to onboard, dialogue open about storage KPIs, but promoting need to baseline first before having established KPIs
            6. SampleVNF – discussing, with renewed interested and potential validations of perf profiling capabilities (as discussed in Prague
      2. Today status:
        1. Best way to on board projects above? 
        2. Share gap assessment with the 
        3. Chapter 3 data plan performance testing – Luc P. will insert perf test tools/content, for expanding this section (leveraging SampleVNF) 
  2. Review April Deliverables
    1. Candidate ListCNTT Baldy  
    2. RI Goals:
      1. On/by 2/21, Confirm "To Do" Baldy list is complete -
      2. Add new issues to align with Baldy, if missing.
      3. Confirm Volunteer & Issues

        Reference #FeatureNotesVolunteerRelated Issues
        baldy.ri1.1General CleanupsAll ChaptersQiao Fu
        baldy.ri1.2Complete Overall RequirementsCh02Currently do not see any need for update. Will create issue if certain requirement been pointed out
        baldy.ri1.3Complete Lab Requirements → Need an issue?Ch04
        Currently do not see any need for update. Will create issue if certain requirement been pointed out
        baldy.ri1.4Complete Target State & MetadataCh03

        need careful review to see if we capture all the requirement from RM and RA.  

        baldy.ri1.5Complete Installer Requirements and hardware delivery requirement


        Liang Chen

        baldy.ri1.6Complete Lab Cookbook (Ops)Ch06[RI] baldy.ri1.6 - Complete Lab Cookbook (Ops) #1165
        baldy.ri1.6Restructure & Complete Integration Cookbook → Need an issue?Ch07

        baldy.ri1.7*Implement Profiles within OPNFV Installers and consume CNTT metadataDEV

        Lincoln Lavoie

        Sridhar Rao

        This work depends on the on-going activity and discussion of information model in OPNFV.  create one issue to follow this work

    3. RC Goals:

      1. On/by 2/21, Confirm "To Do" Baldy list is complete -

      2. Add new issues to align with Baldy, if missing.

      3. Confirm Volunteer & Issues

  3. Review open PRs
    1. [RI Ch05] Installer Requirements - issue 846 #944
    2. [RI Ch09] Pharos Details in Development Chapter #1058
    3. [RI] update chp 03 with hardware profile info #1067
    4. [RA1][RC1] Set Neutron extensions as optional #1107
  4. AOB  
    1. Further suggestions for Apr. CNTT workshop
      1. HDV - pre software validation (demo?)
      2. Manifest - post software validation (demo?)
      3. RI-1: Deep Dive
      4. RI-1: Demo
      5. OPNFV Lifec Cycle / Badging
      6. RC-1: OPNFV Badging LC Process
      7. RC-1: RC Delivery Cycle - RC delivery (multiple times, confirming CNTT requirements met
      8. RC-1: Cookbook
      9. RC-1: Deep Dive
    2. Review Gov Slide:  
      1. CNTT_Weekly_Goverance - Final (FIX input - DRAFT 19Feb2020).pptx