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Meeting Logistics: 

Attendee List:

  1. Qiao Fu (china Mobile)
  2. Michael Fix (AT&T)
  3. Rajamani Rajesh (Spirent)
  4. Luc Provoost (Intel)
  5. Jim Baker  (LF)
  6. Jiaqiang Zhang (China Mobile)
  7. Al Morton  (AT&T)
  8. Liang Chen (China Mobile)
  9. Deepanshu Bhatia (VoerEir)
  10. Cedric Ollivier (Orange)
  11. Saad Ullah Sheikh (??)
  12. Daniel Balsiger (Swisscom)
  13. Georg Kunz (Ericsson)
  14. Jiaqiang Zhang (China Mobile)
  15. Rihab Banday (Ericsson)

Goals of Meeting

  1. Status
    1. Labs & Next Steps (POD10/15)
    2. HDV
    3. Manifest Validation
    4. Spirent NFVI/VIM onboard of TCs
    5. RC Test Case | Req Gap Assessment - need to corroborate & close gaps
  2. Review April Release Deliverables
    1. On/by 2/14, ensure all Baldy To-Dos are captured
    2. Review Backlog
    3. Confirm Volunteer(s)
    4. Confirm Issue
  3. Prepare for Apr. agenda and topics. List possible topics proposed for Apr. CNTT workshop
  4. AOB
    1. Review open PRs
    1. RI/RC 2/12 Gov Slide Review


  1. Status
    1. Labs & Next Steps (POD10/15)
      1. Prior status:  POD15.  Continued CD failures.  For next 2 weeks, perform manual deployment, analyze logs.  
      2. NotesToday status:  
        1. Pod10: Access to APIs work.  Horizon dashboard is still not accessible.  Not sure if deployment/networking issue.  Sridhar to redeploy later today to analyze source of failures.
        2. Pod15: Deployment failures.  Need daily CNTT jobs to stop.  Then, will perform manual deployment.  (Cedric?)Manifest Validation: Awaiting approval from Airship team to start.  (James?)Email sent to Cedric to stop jobs, and James asking for concurrence of manual investigation plan for failures.
    2. HDV - finalize schema, build prototype
      1. Prior status:  New HDV RI chapter (index) merged  Daniel provided overview of TripleO/Apex, and recommends potential TripleO (w/o Apex) scenario.  New PR has been created by Chen Liang for the HDV contents. Waiting for review from the wider community.
      2. Today status:
        1. Need to work out data/information model, then build prototype. 
        2. Focused discussion needed on data structure and what kinds of language to use for tool creation. 
        3. Guidelines are documented on the HDV wiki.
        4. In the interim, Fu Qiao to use the OPNFV weekly (Monday) call as a platform to share what is done in China Mobile today for similar validations. 
        5. Mike to reach across to Mark Beierl to see if he can assist with prototype creation.
        6. Developer volunteers are needed to help build prototype.
        1. Developer volunteers to build prototype?
    3. Manifest Validation - finalize schema
      1. Prior status:I Sridhar Rao created initial set of aspects (configuration) to validate as part of manifest (S/W) validation.  
      2. Next stepsToday status

        1. James Gu - Sridhar reached out to James and requested review for changes - complete?Prototype after the review - dates?of configuration strategy and list of aspects for validations.  Awaiting James' review & concurrence
        2. Developer volunteers are needed to help build prototype.
    4. Spirent NFVI/VIM onboard of TCs

      1. Prior status: Repo created.  Follow-up needed to onboard into Xtesting.

      2. Today status:
        1. Identified TCs on NFVI/VIM(OpenStack) which would be good candidates for onboarding.
        2. Current challenge is  decoupling TCs from core Spirent capabilities, but Spirent is working with their engineering to determine if feasible.  
        1. Onboard status?
    5. RC Test Case | Req Gap Assessment
      1. Prior status:  Completed.  Need to corroborate and close gaps.
      2. Notes:
      3. Today status:
        1. Share gap assessment with the team.
        2. Ask for confirmation that we agree with the "MUST", that requirements are "TESTABLE", and if existing test suites provide coverage as indicated.
  2. Review April Deliverables
    1. Candidate ListCNTT Baldy  
    2. RI Goals:
      1. On/by 2/14, Review Backlog & To Do List and Add Backlog labels if not needed for Baldy
      2. Add new issues to align with Baldy, if missing.
      3. Confirm Volunteer & Issues

WSL Note: Features below should be implemented in order.

      1. Reference #FeatureNotesVolunteerRelated Issues
        baldy.ri1.1General CleanupsAll ChaptersQiao Fu
        baldy.ri1.2Complete Overall RequirementsCh02Currently do not see any need for update. Will create issue if certain requirement been pointed out
        baldy.ri1.3Complete Lab RequirementsCh04
        Currently do not see any need for update. Will create issue if certain requirement been pointed out
        baldy.ri1.4Complete Target State & MetadataCh03

        need careful review to see if we capture all the requirement from RM and RA.  

        baldy.ri1.5Complete Installer Requirements and hardware delivery requirement


        Liang Chen

        baldy.ri1.6Complete Lab Cookbook (Ops)Ch06

        baldy.ri1.6Restructure & Complete Integration CookbookCh07

        baldy.ri1.7*Implement Profiles within OPNFV Installers and consume CNTT metadataDEV

        Lincoln Lavoie

        Sridhar Rao

        This work depends on the on-going activity and discussion of information model in OPNFV.  create one issue to follow this work


    1. RC Goals:

    Review backlog, and To-Do:
      1. On/by 2/14, Review List and Add Backlog labels if not needed for Baldy -

      2. Add new issues to align with Baldy, if missing.

      3. Confirm Volunteer & Issues


      1. Reference #FeatureNotesVolunteer (question)Related Issue(s)
        baldy.rc1.1General CleanupAll Chapters

        baldy.rc1.2Clarify Conformance Categories (NFVI & VNFs)Ch01Rajesh, Kanagaraj,Manik[RC1 - Ch01] Clarify Conformance Categories (NFVI & VNFs) #1056
        baldy.rc1.3Complete NFVI Framework RequirementsCh02Cedric,Manik 

        [RC-1] Reflect Backward compatibility support in RI #1036

        [RC1 Dev] Clean interfaces between RC and OVP




      1.  #1029

        baldy.rc1.4Categorise NFVI TC Req and Write API Testing TCCh03


      1. [RC1 Ch04] Define the test cases for exposed infrastructure capabilities #774
        baldy.rc1.5Create NFVI Mapping & Traceability Matrix and populate itCh05Rajesh, Dan, Ashok,Deepanshu[RC1 Ch11] Gap analysis for NFVI Testing #419
        baldy.rc1.6Restructure NFVI Cookbook and CleanupCh04Cedric

        [RC1 Ch9 - Snezka F2F] RC Cookbook Enhancements #945

        [RI1 Dev][RC1 Dev] new RI deployment container #828

        baldy.rc1.7*NFVI Framework & Test Cases DevelopmentDEVCedric,Manik 

        [RI 1 Dev] Port NFVbench testcases to Xtesting #865

        [RI1 RC1] Add tempest-stress in Functest







  1. Prepare for Apr. agenda and topics. List possible topics proposed for Apr. CNTT workshop
    1. Fu Qiao to start Wiki to capture ideas.  Some examples include:
      1. HDV
      2. Manifest
      3. OPNFV Lifec Cycle / Badging
      4. RC delivery (multiple times, confirming CNTT requirements met)
      5. etc
    2. Aside, Rabi shared a page to collect proposals and suggestions:
      2. Please make sure to add your proposal  by  Wednesday 25th February.
  2. AOB  
      1. [RI Ch05] Installer Requirements - issue 846 #944
      2. [RI Ch04] Topology Diagram #810
      3. [RI Ch07] Update #888
      4. [RI-NewChp05] first commit for hardware delivery verification #1050
    1. Review Gov Slide:  (MENTIONED, BUT NOT DISCUSSED)
      1. CNTT_Weekly_Goverance - Final (FIX input - FINAL 12Feb2020).pptx