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Pankaj Goyal Attendees:

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  • Linux Foundation Anti-Trust Policy Not
  • GSMA Anti-Trust Policy Notice
  • Recording Policies:
  • Meeting Recording:

  • Agenda bashing
    • OITF Update: The NG subgroup for managing the RM as a GSMA PRD has been set up now. The group’s page would be available on the GSMA infocentre at this link: and that’s where it should be joined. There is a “join group” button when you’re not a member yet. OITF tasks and next steps: CNTT RM management process in GSMA_v6.pptx. Kick-off meeting on 3 September 2020
    • LFN Webinar by Walter and Tomas "Evolution of the Cloud Infrastructure Reference Model and its applications", Thursday 20 August at   3pm UTC:
    • Proposal to deprecate "Approach" document as obsolete now, DONE: issue #1859 closed, PR #1886 merged 
    • Proposal to remove BOGOMETERS from all chapter of RM: AGREED, Walter to remove
    • Date for clean-up and handover  to GSMA: target 14 Sep with handover before end of September
    • Status of Security sections cleanup
    • Storage status
    • Status of LCM sections review/cleanup 
      • Walter Kozlowski review from the completeness perspective and recommends accepting the current scope of Ch 9 as sufficient for this Release.  Specific comments for the contents improvement can be still accepted through the normal Issue/PR process. If accepted this will close Issues: #365 and 586 CLOSED
      • Review Issue 586 Define a generic installer; do we want this in RM? General installer moved to RI-1, RI-2, so we do not need it RM, Issue to be closed. CLOSED
      • What is the role of Table 9-3? Updated in PR# 1891
      • Need to add specific requirements for Assurance in a table format, Sec 9.3 - need to create a separate issue and PRs, most likely post Baraque/handover
    • Multi-cloud gap into RM: PR #1857/1858
    • Next steps reg Gaps
