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ONAP Track

Key Points


 Next Steps/Action Items

Track: E2E Network Slicing Session 1 

Presenters/Moderators: LIN MENG, Swaminathan S

Zhang Min

Swaminathan Seetharaman

Content: Slides are available here and here.

  • E2E Network Slicing overview
  • Work done in Frankfurt, ONAP component impacts
  • Demo of Frankfurt scenarios
  • Overview of Guilin content
Questions and responses:

  •  5G Network Slicing Demo

Presentation Slides are available here and here.

Recording is available here.


  1. Transport NSSMF interface on Southbound to be shown to avoid confusion. Currently the slides only shows RAN and Core NF Simulators. Transport NSSMF will interact with a Optical Domain Controller (or simulator) on SB.
  2. Stretch goals to be indicated - for e.g., Control Loop using CLAMP, etc.
  3. For Core, Closed Loop part to be discussed offline due to introduction of CNFs.

Track: E2E Network Slicing Session 2



Swaminathan Seetharaman


Swaminathan Seetharaman

Milind Jalwadi

  • Session covering Core, RAN and Transport Slicing functionality to be realized in Guilin (due to time constraint, Transport Slicing part moved to Session 3 - see below)

Image Added

Presentation Slides are available here (Core), here (RAN) and here (Transport).

Recording is available here.

Track: E2E Network Slicing Session 3

Presenters/Moderators: LIN MENG Swaminathan Seetharaman

  • Session covering KPI Monitoring, Closed Loop and Intelligent Slicing. The session started with Transport Slicing which was carried over from Session 2.

Image Added

Presentation Slides are available here (KPI Monitoring), here (Closed Loop) and here (Intelligent Slicing).

Recording is available here.

Track: 5G OOF SON use case: Overview & Demo


@N. K. Shankaranarayanan

Swaminathan Seetharaman

Demo: @Reshmasree

  • Session providing a brief overview of 5G OOF SON use case followed by a demo which provided the highlights of the use case, and the work done in Frankfurt release.

Image Added

Presentation Slides are available here.

Recording is available here.

Track: E2E Network Slicing Session 2

Presenters/Moderators: LIN MENG, Swaminathan S

  • Session covering Core, RAN and Transport Slicing functionality to be realized in Guilin (due to time constraint, Transport Slicing part moved to Session 3 - see below)
Image Removed

Track: Docs/Migration

Presenters/Moderators: Sofia Wallin, Jessica Wagantall

  •  Discussions about deprecating the submodules in the docs repo 

Track: Documentation guide

Preseenters/Moderators: Sofia Wallin/Eric Debeau


Track: Documentation improvement plan for the Guilin release

Presenters/Moderators: Amar Kapadia

Track: Architecture Component Views in Readthedocs

Presenters/Moderators: Ciaran Johnston, Tony Finnerty, Jeff Van Dam, Sofia Wallin

Great improvements from moving content from Confluence (onap wiki) to ReadTheDoc 

Track: Release Note Content

Presenters/Moderators: Sofia Wallin

  • Agreement that the content of the release note will be limited to the scope of what we are delivering. Content of the previous release note will remain available.

Track: Reference CNF development journey and outcomes

Presenters/Moderators: Victor Morales

  •  A journey of building an LTE core (GW tester) Network function as a CNF. It serves as a good reference because it uses several, segregated networks.
  • Required steps include preparing the Docker image, Using K8S to orchestrate, creating overlay networks using Flannel(many challenges related to multiple interfaces) and packaging using Helm
  • Two solutions for CNI plugins - DANM and Multus
  • Helm charts are available in the CNCF TUG Testbed

  •  Follow-up with the ONAP CNF Modeling/Inventory task force
OPNFV Track Key PointsChallengesNext Steps/Action Items

Cloud Software Validation - Part of OPNFV CIRV project Sridhar Rao

  • Work moving fast since June -2 Interns Joined! Ashwin and Parth.
  • Demo shows how validation works, run on Intel Pod 10.

Form of UI and exposure of results: many possibilities (REST, cache in X-testing, others)

PDF is a "big" PDF, includes many aspects beyond OPNFV PDF.

Today, checking Airship deployment and debug with logs (find root cause). Other deployments ??

Security Checks: Some tools in Functest, Ansible Security Hardening has possibilities, Cedric will have a look in Openstack.

By early August, should have Airship Manifest complete.

Results API will expand storage beyond current local storage, to X-testing, Test-API, etc.

K8s: Multi-Interface Container Network Benchmarking in VSPERF Sridhar Rao

Background information in Slides from April Event (links in the slides), Thanks to K8s Networking Experts!   This is Mostly a Hands-on DEMO!

  • Automated Cluster Setup complete, Using Intel Pod 12, Multus, Centos (dpdk-app-centos), T-rex Traffic Generator. Autoamtion handles the deployment of the cluser and CNI, AND the tooling can be used on existing clusters.
  • VSPERF tool provides the basic configuration capability, starting with OVS-DPDK, on Worker Node (DUT).
  • A second instance of VSPERF runs the Traffic Generator-Only, for Benchmarking search control and Results collection.
  • Results for OVS-DPDK show very low Throughput, we can see the bottleneck is a virtual port.
  • Next, test with SR-IOV: one virtual function (VF) per vNIC
  • Finally, test with VPP: Issue with support of vhost-user, had to use memif (interface or bridge modes are OK).  Problem with xconnect mode, l2fwd works ok.

Pod must be running DPDK, or other performance enhancing technology.

Still exploring CPU configurations (optimization).

Currently need to add flows in vSwitch manually.

Need Expert Help! Queue configuration on Virtual Ports! Also Hugepage configuration.

Using Ixia HW Traffic generator in very near future.

Will be running more comparison tests when satisfied with configurations.

Jeff Hartley offered to help!

OVP 2.0 Cloud Native Operator Panel

Moderator: Marc Price

  • Very Interactive panel Q&A: The Recording is the Canonical Source of Information!
  • Need CNTT specifications for infrastructure to line-up with CN workload needs: Integration tools to manage operate and maintain are needed
  • Opinion: CNF deployment is highly dependent on success in 2 areas: performance and operations.
  • CNF Testbed is a showcase for how different CN elements can work together and offer services.
  • Different levels of Services: Examples include Self-Healing, OAM: CNF Conformance requires construction according to Cloud-Native Principles. Quality of Service should be included.
  • What value can OVP 2.0 provide to Operators?  And what can we learn from previous OVP efforts?
    • Need to certify that Operator's Infrastructure is good enough  to run CN functions/workloads. Need to understand the demarcation between Infrastructure, Operations, and CNFs. Reduce Integration testing and the time involved.
    • Need more than a "standard", only a piece of paper!  Also, CN-principles emphasize automation of operations so that systems don't have to be watched 24x7 (babysitting).
    • Can OVP reduce Integration and Conformance testing by 10%? - then that is sufficient value to use it. Operators have turned into integrators to use multiple vendor products.
  • How does OVP 2.0 align with other projects?
    • CNTT for requirements, Also ETSI NFV
    • OPNFV for benchmarking/performance
    • CNCF for workload cloud-native-ness
    • ONAP for alignment on service creation with CNFs
    • TIP using CNTT specifications for deployment
    • It's more and more difficult to find the right forum - too many! Fragmentation will slow-us down.
  • Value of OVP is the Meaning of the Badge!  UL (Underwriter's Laboratories) is a an example - you won't get shocked when you plug an electrical appliance into the wall.
  • Most CNCF projects are about Rigorous Testing, also Project Graduation provides assurance. Long legacy of best practices for application development. May use other Communites: does it all day, for VPP... Others have a wider view (See previous OPNFV K8s Benchmarking Session).
  • Look into more for the badging program
  • We get out of it what we put into it, and recognize that each operator will still need to do their own testing! Cover LCF and common functions and let operators do the rest.
  • Are there usecases that badging is NOT covering? bring them in!

Joint Topic: OPNFV and CNTT: OPNFV Release Process 2.0 JOINT with CNTT David McBride

  • Integration-Test is a community role, ask community projects to implement verification tests for CI, then it is done.
  • Integration-Test is covered by the CI and Jenkins -
  • Leverage current gating
  • Integration Test is different from normal CI and Jenkins checks, This form of Gating is a dependent on CNTT requirements
  • CNTT must put developers into the process now, to implement the requirements, there may be difficulties when dealing with a single requirement at a time.
  • Some feel that the Requirements Sub-committee is too much overhead.
  • Others feel the Requirements SC provides the necessary Triage to reduce overhead on the Project teams.
  •  Need more CNTT input, if possible.

Requirements Vetting Process

Finding more time to close on this discussion:  Proposal is to re-allocate time from Thursday's Agenda, Joint Topic Right after the 30 minute Break!

Additional Notes/Questions:

What Artifacts are we Releasing?

  • Tool Documentation (always)
  • Integrated test automation for Conformance, Functional and other Requirements

OpenDaylight Track

Key Points


 Next Steps/Action Items
ODL transportPCE Magnesium Retrospective

This retrospective presented a quick overview of TransportPCE new functionalities introduced in Magnesium. It was followed by a status on the developments done and some feedbacks on the features introduced by OpenROADM and the community ( OpenROADM OTN support, SpotBugs / checkstyle enforcement and doppelgangers, netconf notifications )

OTN support hardened for Aluminium
Contributors growth
involve more reviewers and commiters
rationalization of project features for OTN
ODL BGPCEP Reliability & Scale

  •  Tejas Nevrekar When working on the redesign to use a pipeline be mindful of ensuring pipeline stages are mutually exclusive
  •  Tejas Nevrekar Upload missing bugs and patches to upstream
  •  Robert Varga share details of how config only replication shards maybe configured
ODL Usability Review

A quick usability review of the OpenDaylight Usability was covered in this session including what works well, what does not (development & deployment challenges). This was followed up with suggestions for improvements - from a low hanging fruit to bigger architecture improvements like a more loosely coupled platform. 

ODL Project Status

The discussion concentrated around how to get more developers on boarded. There were many suggestions including having a dedicated public face for helping new developers. A key point that was made was: 

  • Need more clear messaging to the users (companies) that if you are consuming ODL, to please contribute upstream X hours per day or week to help resolve the technical debt.

CNTT TrackKey PointsChallengesNext Steps/Action Items
Edge Deep Dive
  • we need to be careful not to assign a "location" aspect to CNTT profile. (the plan is not to)
Clarify the term profile in relation to hardware profile or workload profile
Networking Focus Group
  • How to make sure we don't duplicate what ETSI is doing.
  • Get full alignment with ETSI and make sure we laverage their work in CNTT.
OVP Phase 2.0 Panel
  • Marc Price moderated OVP session and there has been many discussions around it's relation to CNTT.


ONAP TrackKey PointsChallengesNext Steps/Action Items

Track: Release Cadence Transition Proposal


Krzysztof Opasiak


  •  Follow-up is required to define the next steps

Track: CNF Orchestration through ONAP

Presenters/Moderators: Seshu Kumar Mudiganti, Lukasz Rajewski

  •  Candidate for the Guilin Release

  • Modelling og the CNF data
  • So far VNF model will be used with slight modification required to track status of instantiated k8s resources
  • 7 components impacted, required cooridnation effort
  •  The implementation for Guilin will introduce first production level solution for CNF
  •  It will open further changed for deeper integration of ONAP with CNFs fir Day2 configuration purpose or close loop support
Track: Closed Loop Target Reference Architecture and Rel G steps
  • IBN was presented by Dong Wang - there were many questions that will be asked via Control Loop subcommittee mailing list. Would like to schedule a more in-depth review of this use case on 7/1 or 7/8?
  • TOSCA presented by Michela Bevilacqua and Liam Fallon
    • Vijay noted that DCAE-MOD for Guilin scope has been changed to include the pushing of a new catalogue. May effect this POC
  • Discussion on future work for Control Loop subcommittee
    • Michela Bevilacqua : How to update a control loop instance?
    • Scott Blandford : We've put together a model for simplistic control loops. How do we deal with CL's that are stringing multiple DCAE together? Or have multiple interactions? How to monitor?
    • Pamela Dragosh : Monitoring tools may not be enough? Gervais-Martial Ngueko CLAMP monitoring is only capturing Dmaap events. Need much more development to support DevOps
    • Vijay Venkatesh Kumar : Discussion to support multi-tenant, how would control loops work in that architecture? How does a distributed deployment play out?

Track: Guilin Release - TSC Prioritization

Presenters/Moderators: Catherine Lefèvre and ONAP TSC

Big thanks to all the Requirement Owners for their submission !

Dear ONAP Community - Continue to support our project teams through your engagement; They have a lot to accomplish prior our next milestone (July 9th, 2020) !!! 

Heartily Thank You

  •  Prepare our Release Commitments before July 9th, 2020

Track: Writing tests with Robot Framework

Presenter: Marek Szwałkiewicz

During this talk we can see the

Introduction, best practices


and hints on writing tests


with Robot


- do not keep all tests in one file,

- keyword using,

- variables using,

- set up and teardown.

All of them with examples.

We can see also a Python ONAP SDK wrapper for Robot framework named robotframework-oapsdk.


During this presentation I tried to familiarize participants with Robot Framework, show some shortcuts that can be taken and show the Robot wrapper for Python ONAP SDK in action.

  • Grouping and consistency
  • Reusable abstraction
  • Separation of values
  • Setup and teardown
  • Simple presentation of Robot Framework wrapper for python onap-sdk project

Presentation: LFN_June_vDTF_Robot.pdf

Video: GMT20200625-143701_vDTF-ONAP-_2560x1440.mp4

  • Publishing of robotframework-onapsdk library
  • Extending ONAP wiki pages about Robot with reusable examples
  • Publishing „create your own Robot library” template in python
  • robotframework-onapsdk publish
  • extend ONAP wiki pages about Robot (add more examples)
  • publish template to create own Robot libraries

Track: Set up Kubernetes ENV guide in Ubuntu




Service Mesh for RBAC and security PoC

presenters: Sylvain Desbureaux Krzysztof Opasiak

Service Mesh PoC will require just few changes on the component:

  • add an option to disable AAF integration on user management part if any
  • add an option to disable HTTPs
  • retrieve header and pass them if they are doing subrequest
  • Retrieve all component clients (sdc distribution clients, dmaap clients, ...) and make them service mesh aware (pass headers in particular)
Configuration & Persistency Service (C&PS) Project Overview & Model-Driven C& MD PS PoC

C&PS Project Page at:

C&PS DDF Presentations at: Meetings at:

Weekly Meetings at:

C&PS Project Proposal:

Overview of C&PS and Model Driven C&PS PoC

Image Added

Developing PoC in R7

See MD C&PS PoC Slides at


C&PS Project Proposal:


Model Driven Configuration and Persistency Service PoC Deep Dive

Presenter: Tony Finnerty

YANG is Primary input and native language of the CPS
Model driven safe access to data
POC Target: Read/write persisted Configuration Management data

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  •  Can we re-use / extend existing Yang Parser in SDC?
  •  Can we use Yoghurt framework for Yang (de-)Serialization to maps?
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OpenDaylight Track

Key Points


 Next Steps/Action Items
Sync OpenDaylight releases and LFN infra migrationsOpen discussion on how we can improve the LFN infra migration and ODL release cycles. Those migrations affect the overall efficiency of the community but not only.
  • migrations not at all synchronized with the release schedules
  • migrations mis-execution affects every project
  • python version forced to 3.5  obsoleted after only 2 months during the Sodium SR2 release. When possible, lfn-tools must support several versions of python and not impose it.
  • migrations are not automated. This also results in unexpected referencing problems for potential new contributors
  • more transparency on LFN infra migrations - can be achieved with more non-LFN contributors
  • TSC should be able to block LFN migrations
  • control-loop between users / TSC and TAC/LFN

ODL BGPCEP Magnesium Retrospective and Roadmap for Aluminium

This retrospective presented a quick overview of Graph & Algo features introduce in BGPCEP project for compliance to RFC 5440. A short demo highlighted the new functionalities. The presentation also covered the roadmap for Aluminium release and reviewed new features that will be introduced to provide a Path Manager service.

RFC 5440 support

Growth the community

Next challenge for the project

Design a PTL and add more reviewers / committers

ODL Service Automation Framework (SAF)

Service Automation Framework is a new project in OpenDaylight that leverages Workflow concepts to simplify Service provisioning. This session presented an overview of SAF project and have a discussion around roadmap items.

ODL Platform Aluminum updates and Silicon lookahead

This talk provided details on what platform updates will be part of the Aluminum release. Also covered were potential platform updates in the next release, effectively doing some planning for Silicon.

CNTT TrackKey PointsChallengesNext Steps/Action Items
RI-2 DeepDive
  • Georg Kunz Rihab Banday  presented the scope of RI-2, the plan for Baraque.
  • Presented OPNFV - Kuberef project proposal. The proposal will be edited (one sentence to address the point in the Challenge column) and OPNFV TSC Wiki-vote for Project Creation started today! 
  • How to make sure requirements in the newly created project are taken from CNTT.
  • More discussion in RI-2 Calls to advance progress.
RC-2 DeepDive

Bill Mulligan led the session on RC-2 Deep Dive

  • Align all efforts to a single outcome and agree on one way of doing it.
  • Currently the framework mixes a general what and why of the tools showing how they are useful testing tools. I do not see the high-level RC principles are listed.

  • Scott Steinbrueck to arrange a meeting with RI/RC leads, Taylor Carpenter Gergely Csatari to agree on a single scheme.
CNTT/OPNFV Release Sync
  • CNTT/OPNFV Releases Sync 

CNTT Security
  • Karine Sevilla led a discussion on Security discussion on Security 
  • Status on RA-1 security
  • Evolution planed for Baraque release
  • For security  testing, tests and tools available
  • Expand RA-1 security chapter on system hardening, image security, monitoring and audit
  • Review RM requirements, rephrase requirements not testable or too genric
  • Continue the analysis of ONAP requirements relevant for CNTT
  • The challenge will be the integration of the identified security tests for automated testing.

OPNFV TrackKey PointsChallengesNext Steps/Action Items

OPNFV INFRA Work Group Update Trevor Bramwell Sawyer Bergeron

  • Need quotes for new machines at UNH - IOL and Oregon
  • INFRA is working with various projects to transition to Lab As A Service, rather than Static assignments.
  • CI/CD Evolution Options - OPNFV is different from other LFN projects (but needs update?)
    • Migration plan includes a Proof of Concept phase
  • Lab As A Service review - booking for various LFN projects. Look around at site:
    • LaaS New Features - PTLs can define complete HW configuration, network configuration, merge configuration
    • LaaS Quick booking Improvements
    • Plus CNTT-ready! additional requirements for networking: greater uplinks, and additional storage
    • Anyone with LFID can use
    • New features planned: booking transfers between users, analytics dashboard, Jenkins integration
Lab folks are seeking HW quotes, but this has stalled (for many reasons that seem to be related to COVID-19). Need to Figure out a way to get quotes before the funding goes away!

Second Session of Joint Topic: OPNFV and CNTT: OPNFV Release Process 2.0 JOINT with CNTT David McBride

  • Project Release Plans Template - Each project will describe and document their Artifacts/Deliverables
    • OPNFV's project plans have varied in degree of detail
  • OPNFV TSC has the responsibility to establish the Release Process
  • Requirements Vetting is still a sticking point
    • Release requirments are part of OPNFV Release process. Full Stop
  • Requirments will come from CNTT, AND Openstack, ETSI NFV, and OPNFV participants.
  • There are already LOTS of requirments to Vet that intend to be part of OPNFV's next release.
Testers who won't experiment...More "Spirited discussion" at the OK Coral
ODL TrackKey PointsChallengesNext Steps/Action Items
  • There are already LOTS of requirments to Vet that intend to be part of OPNFV's next release.
Testers who won't experiment...More "Spirited discussion" at the OK Coral
Sync ODL Releases with LFN Infra Migrations
  • More transparency is needed for LF IT changes
  • IT should not implement or modify services during a release window
Casey & Anil to work with LFN IT to update policies for IT services rollout and follow up with the community in one month.ODL BGPCEP Magensium RetrospectiveODL Service Automation Framework (SAF)ODL Platform Aluminum Updates & Silicon Release LookaheadTungsten Fabric TrackKey PointsChallengesNext Steps/Action Items
TF Integration with ONAP

  •  Follow-up is required to define the next steps
Making TF Cloud Native

Move Upstream DPDK for TF
